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I hadn't realised that the man behind Min overheard our conversation. He started to smirk at Min's comment. He was sat alone so he can't have been talking to anyone else. To his smirk, I admitted to Min "it's better to be heard before you're seen. Gives people a better warning that you're coming into the room."

The man smirked even wider to this remark. I don't think he realised that I had been observing him. Min admitted defeat and said, "that's true."

I diverted my attention elsewhere, not wanting to be rude. I looked straight at Min with pleading eyes. "Will you come with me to find an apartment closer to their dorm? The job's all hours of the day and night so whenever the boys need me, I need to get there as soon as possible and from where I'm living now, I won't be able to get up and get there in time," I explained.

"Yeah sure. Do you want to go apartment hunting now?" I nodded. We had walked out of the café when I bumped into the back of a frozen Min.

"Are you ok, Min? What happened? Do you need a pad or something? I have one in my bag. We can go back to the ca..."

Min crouched down with her head in her hands.

"Min-ah, gwenchana?" I asked crouching down beside her. "YAH! Min! Get up! This isn't your pavement. It belongs to the public."

"Aish! Wae!! Yah! I'm such a PABO!!" Min exclaimed as she held her head in her hands.

"Mwo? We know you're a pabo" I stated, giggling. "But what's wrong?" I asked. I was confused beyond recognition.

"I'm so stupid. I can't believe that I didn't think of this before," she muttered, as she started to get up. I followed her.

"YAH! Jugeullae?! What's wrong?" I screamed, turning her to face me, desperately trying to stop myself from getting frustrated.

Hidden: Strings of FateWhere stories live. Discover now