Deaths knocking

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   Arizona climbed the ladder behind the restaurant as the killer carved his kitchen knife into the brick wall, making a line as he walked. I remember the feeling of my heart beating in my chest, it was almost like it was locked in my body trying its hardest to escape. As Lake finished climbing the ladder I looked down and watched the killer break into a sprint as Arizona grasped for the ladder. Lake screamed for someone to help but no person on earth could've stopped what was about to happen to Arizona. I could almost hear death knocking as I watched the killer close the gap in between them. I knew what was about to happen and I think somewhere deep down Lake did too... I felt so sick, like when your head is in the toilet right before you throw up the first time from the flu. Arizona flung herself up the ladder but just... not fast enough. The killer reached the bottom of the ladder and with one quick horizontal slash, her eyes lit up as her Achilles heals were slashed wide open. Her scream was deafening, the pain, the terror, the death in her voice left a scar in my head I would never get out. Writing this now I can almost remember it like I'm there again.

Before we get to the bloody part of the story it would only make sense if you the story before the events of Arizona's death that night. It was a rather brutal kill because this time we didn't just see a dead body. We had to watch the life get stolen from Arizona. It had been twelve days since Margo's mom was killed and we hadn't seen her since that's why she wasn't there with us that night at the restaurant I'm glad she wasn't though or we have lost her too. Earlier before the restaurant incident, I was at Lakes playing video games when around like noon or something Arizona texted him and wanted him to go out to eat with her because she was bored, Lake told her that he and I were hanging out so she invited me. Not cause she wanted me to come really bad but because she wanted to be able to hang out with him. Usually, we would've invited Margo and Derek but neither of them were available I just decided to third wheel. Since Lake's mom just made us lunch we just decided to go out to dinner. Lake and I sat and played Call of Duty right up until we had to leave to go out to dinner.

I wasn't happy Lake had basically scrubbed our plans to accommodate his needy girlfriend but I knew he loved her and I know he loved me so I was okay with it. We picked up Arizona around 7 pm that night and all the way to my favorite restaurant El Finante she complained about how late we were, but when you're in the middle of a zombie game and you're on wave twenty-two, you don't quit not for anything. The dinner was a pretty average dinner we just talked and nothing worth mentioning happened, at least, at that part of dinner. While we were eating it had started to rain an average amount so we waited for it to die down a little. When it was only sprinkling we decided it was time to go. It was late, probably around eight-thirty at night and the thunder was booming in the sky. Almost like you were watching the gods at war, the flashes were very close together and every once and a while there was a boom in the sky.

The sound of the bell on the door to El Finante was like the first domino in a line of dominos that would start a sequence of events that would cause us to lose Arizona. As the door closed behind us Lake started trotting down the sidewalk toward his car. it wasn't long before I had noticed directly across the street from us someone was standing in a hoodie with a long knife in his hand. Realizing that this meant he was back I screamed for Lake and Arizona who were both in front of me. Lake must have already seen it because he was standing still looking at him Arizona tucked behind him. Lake took a step down the sidewalk toward his car and the killer broke into a sprint. Almost instinctively we turned to run directly away from the killer down an ally behind El finante. when the killer reached the mouth of the Alley he stopped and started walking dragging his knife against the wall. about halfway down the alley, there was a fence gate that we tried to open but it was locked. As the killer approached us we looked around for our saving grace... you know the one where a character is about to meet their fate but at the last second, they find a way out. I thought I had found our saving grace but boy was I wrong. I remember feeling a rush of hope when I saw the ladder on the side of the building, I ran to it and started to climb since I found it, it was only fair that I got to go up first. Lake and Arizona ran to the ladder and Lake got there before her so he went up next.

Since you already know what happens next ill skip to what happens when the killer starts climbing the ladder. Half butchered Arizona wasn't climbing the ladder very fast anymore, she grunted in pain when she stepped up to the next step on the ladder. The killer swung his knife up digging into her light right below her knee, the killer then used the knife as leverage to pull himself up further causing the knife to drag downward in her leg leaving a gaping slash mark in her flesh. She reached for Lake and he for her but she just wasn't close enough. The killer struck his final blow digging the knife into her back close to her hip, she stared at us tears or maybe rain on her face as she let go of the ladder. The killer unprepared for her to let go slipped and fell down the ladder with her, she slammed on the ground on her back and she looked up us. At this point, she was still alive breathing like there was a huge weight on her stomach and blood coming out of her mouth. Lake started to move like he was going to slide down the ladder and help her but I grabbed him holding him back, as he yelled for her the killer stood up from the ground and stood over top of her his body blocking us from seeing her. Lake turned around to go down the ladder but I tackled him on the ground, the rain falling on us and the thundering booming overhead limited our ability to hear what was happening at the bottom of the ladder.

When Lake recovered he ran to the side of the roof and looked down, Arizona laying on the ground with a smile carved into her face like the Joker killed her from a batman movie. The killer was nowhere to be seen after he killed Arizona, Lake practically flew down the ladder and knelt over her holding her in his arms. Her blood dripped into the water making it seem like her blood ran all the way down the alley. The killer looked up at us with a solid black mask, slits where eyes are supposed to be. The knife bloody in his hand as he waved it around. It was if death itself was taunting us, waiting for its opportunity to strike us from this earth forever forgotten. I wonder if I'm forgotten after death claims me, or will there be someone left to remember me after this is all done. Guess you'll have to wait and find out.

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