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Well, we are finally here. The portion of the story where I am on the run. Not an ounce happier than the parts before I assure you. The first few days on the run I made my way through the biggest blizzard our city has ever seen. Cold, afraid, and alone I made my way through the streets of the city that once welcomed me. By morning the news would have broke and the whole city would be at the edge of their seat, eagerly waiting for my capture. 

As I ran deeper and deeper into the icy storm I found it increasingly difficult to feel my body. The numbness set in within my first two hours. I hadn't stopped running since that house I started it. My family sat in that house thinking I turned on the family...blaming me...erasing me. But I pushed on anyway, not for them, for the fallen. 

It was very late or maybe really early I didn't even know what time it was when I stumbled into that diner but lord did it save me. I pulled my frozen stiff hood over my head and ripped the door open. I stepped inside the wave of heat felt like the softest blanket in the world.

"Pretty late Mr, whatchu doing out so late?" The man behind the counter asked 

"I was out sledding with some friends, they left me at the hill as a prank," I said quickly

"Not very good friends ay? Well sit down I'll bring you something warm leftover from the dinner rush"  He said as he disappeared in the back.

I wiggled my toes inside my tennis shoes trying to feel if they were still there. The skin on the front of my face was wind burnt and frozen. One thing was clear to me...I couldn't keep running in this weather. I had to find somewhere to rest until the sun came up. 

The doors of the kitchen flung open and the man carried a steaming bowl of soup to the table. He went back and sat down at the counter filling out some crossword in one of those books. I watched an episode of some soap opera on the diner T.V. as I downed my soup. I was in the diner for a good thirty minutes I'd guess before the news interrupted my warm peace.

"Breaking news: Five dead in the local neighborhood as killer rips through the town," The lady on the news said.

The man looked out squinting. He leaned forward and turned the T.V. up I tried my best to hide my face without being obvious. 

"As this family mourns the deaths, they wanted to make sure the rest of the city was warned of the suspected killer." My image popped up on the screen. 

"Please do not hesitate to reach out to the police, he's considered armed and extremely dangerous following the death of five community members" The news anchor went on about proper safety protocol during events like this. As if she knew anything about the situation that was going down.

I sat with my head down in the diner trying not to draw any attention to myself.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an object zipping toward me. I turned but the object collided with the massive window at the front of the dinner and the splintered into tiny pieces and dropped to the floor. Through the think blowing snow, I saw faint neon lights which instantly faded into the storm. 

The man behind the counter ran over to the window and picked up the rock examining it. he threw his hands up and then behind his head.

he ran over to his phone with the rock in hand and made a call.

"Ya...Hello...Can you send a unit over to the fireside diner as soon as possible? Some kid just threw a rock through my diner window" He sighed

I dumped the rest of the soup into my mouth and then shot out of my seat. I quickly turned and opened the diner door and made my way out into the dark snowy abyss. I had an idea of where to stay for the night but the killer was watching my every move. He was going to make sure I didn't get too cozy in one place.

I shifted my feet through the thick snow on the ground as I made my way across the main street to the high school. I made my way past the football fields and finally to the baseball fields. I walked up to the building that was in the center of the three diamonds my high school had and read the sign. Concession stand.

I went for the door but of course, it was locked. I surveyed the ground and found a rock. I beat at the master lock on the front pull gate. I smashed down as hard as I could over and over again until finally the lock gave way and I pryed the gate open. I slipped in and closed the gate behind me.

it was barely warmer but I was out of the blistering wind. I plugged the hot dog machine in and turned on the hot water, I was gonna make use of everything in here. Or I wouldn't make it through the night. 

I found a backpack in the storage pins and I loaded it with all the food and drinks Id need for at least the next two weeks. I laid under the sink because the exposed drain pipe was hot from the warm water flowing through it. It was a bad night. The cold stained floor of the concession stand made for a poor bed. As you can imagine.

Not only was their food and water in the concession stand but there was also its own bathroom. Since the school has no use for the building during the winter the bathrooms weren't clean but at least I didn't have to go in a bucket.

I maybe got two hours of sleep that night. 

With all my energy I pushed myself off the concrete and shuffled over to the gate where the food was served from. I leaned over the counter and pulled the gate up just enough for me to examine the weather. The blizzard raged on. I had no choice but to stay longer. This is precisely the time I decided to write my story down. In case I didn't make it.

I had hoped that someone...someday would read my story and realize I wasn't the bad guy of the story. That rather there is no bad guy to the story. To the killer, he is justified. For me, the killer is the bad guy. For the citizens of my town, I was painted the villain. The word "Bad Guy" or "Villain" Is completely dependent on your perspective. From the outside world, it's a lot easier to classify a villain to make sense of the story.

You see, we are all raised in a purely gray world. However, when growing into the adults we are today we are told the pillars that hold up the earth and black and white. The bad guy hurts people, the good guy saves people. But that's all wrong...The good guy saves people by maybe killing people. The bad guy hurts people maybe to save others. 

Who are we to decide which one is which. Even if we wanted to how could you differentiate? A good person could have bad intentions. I only hope that someone hears my story. Truly hears it and understands what it is that really happened. If you still think this is about a story of an average boy (me) running from a killer who wreaks havoc on his life for no reason then you just don't understand the story yet.

It's so much more than any of you realize. Don't worry... If the dots haven't connected themselves yet I will connect them for time. its a sprint for the finish line now, hold out, don't give up on me yet, the most shocking part of the story is yet to arrive. 

I'll give you a hint, 

The title of the story was chosen very carefully.

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