to my friends...farewell

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   The killer stood there breathing. I pulled my phone up to my face and called the police but when the killer heard the ringing he walked toward us almost as if he already knew what was going to happen and a call to the police wouldn't help. We turned and ran for the back doors of the school. Lake got there first and he tugged on the right door but it didn't budge. I turned and looked at the killer as he sprinted for us. Margo started to panic and a feeling of terror had made me completely numb. Lake pulled on the left set of doors as they swung open he called out to us. We ran over to him and as I was running I could hear the footsteps of the killer right behind me.

Margo ran through the door and I slipped through the crack as Lake closed the door just in time to let me slip through. We stood at the doors looking through the little glass panes for any sign of a man who wanted us dead. There was no sign of him. I heard a faint voice saying Hello? are you there? and I had remembered I dialed the police before the chase. As I breathed heavily I told the operator that a killer was in the high school and he was chasing us down with a knife. The killer got In the high school but to this day I still don't know which entrance he walked through to commit his final murders. Margo, Lake, and I ran through the hallways looking for someone that came from the stadium after they graduated but the halls were empty.

As we ran through the dark high school hallways we approached the front main doors facing the football stadium. I could see the doors in my line of sight when all of the sudden a door swung open on the left side of the hallway. I turned in fear my eyes lighting up as a kid in our grade emerged from the staff bathroom.

"Henry be quiet there are cops dead outside and there is a killer in the high school" Margo whispered as Henry explained his phone was dead so he missed the warning.

We walked quietly across the final hallway to the doors and I turned around to look behind us, this was a big mistake. I suddenly collided with a body, a little bit taller than me, and wearing black clothes from the part of his body that I could see which was only his shoulder. I turned my head to realize I was face to face with the killer, the glow from his mask lit up my face. He slid his knife into my chest a couple of inches below my heart. Surprisingly when he stabbed me it was a rather faint pain but it was most likely because of the gallons of adrenaline that were coursing through my veins.

I let out a grunt as Margo and Lake screamed. when the blade was ripped out a pool of blood poured out of the wound on the ground. Henry turned the opposite direction and bolted. Luckily the killer chased him instead of us. I fell onto the ground, it felt like I had the wind knocked out of me but only, a semi-truck knocked the wind out of me. My wound started to burn like fire and my blood pooled up around me. Margo and Lake helped me to my feet and I put my arm around Lake as we walked for the door. Henry and the killer were no were to be seen.

Margo ran into the main doors throwing them open. Blood crawled down my legs leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for the killer to follow. We were outside now, limbing for the stadium. But little did we know, the killer had also already left the school in pursuit of his real victims. Margo led me and Lake as I stumbled down the sidewalk. A clinking noise filled the air around us as we walked. The clinking got closer together and when I realized it was the sound of a steel blade hitting the sheathe as the killer ran it was too late. He tackled Margo onto the ground knife in hand. He made quick work of her. After all how much could you against a surprise attack from a psycho with not one but two knives. As the Killer plunged his knife into Margo's chest Lake screamed for help. Nothing on this god green earth could've saved Margo from that. the killed slid the knife up from the entrance stab all the way to her neck where he left the knife.

Although the killer didn't physically end my life that night he killed me. Whatever and whoever I was before that night was dead. Carved out of my body and forcibly removed. the killer stood up blood all on his clothes. He reached for his mask and peeled it off.

"Why did you do this to us" I said as blood came out my mouth.

I looked at him like he was sick because he had obviously been sick. The world doesn't help sick people, it never has. At least not the kind of sickthe killer had been. The world locks the sick people up in hopes of hiding them from the world for all of their lives. As Lake pulled away from me I fell on the ground propped up just enough to watch the knife claim the life of My best friend Lake. My vision was blurry at this point but I saw Lake run at the killer pushing him on the ground. Lake went to reach for the knife that was in Margo but she was still wiggling as a little piece of her clung to life. For a split second Lake froze but that's all the slasher needed to gain the upper hand.

the knife got shoved into his neck, then his back, then again, and again, and again. Through the faded blurs, I could see a hand reach back and then thrust forward again. Later I would find out Lake had been stabbed twenty-seven times. When I came to it next the was over top of me, knife in hand. He stared me in the face and mumbled words to me but I cant gather the courage to write them done. Then he left me on the ground to bleed out. I know what I said, that you'd find out who the killer was this time... but I lied. As I am writing this now I realize theres more to the story you need to hear before the identity of the killer is revealed. 

I dont how long I laid on the ground void of any hope of surviving this night but somehow a police on sight found me rushed me to a hospital.Now your most likely wondering what happened to Derek. Long story short he was found in the trunk of his car with his throat slit four days after the high school massacre. After Lake and Margo were executed in front me I clung to the hope that I might see him again. That I might get to tell him all the things you say when your in love. No such luck for me.

The story doesn't end with the death of everyone I ever cared about, and I'm not the final survivor...remember? It would be a while until I had my next run-in with the true villain of every story ever written. Death. In a way I had become familiar with death, it wasn't a person but it wasn't just a thing either, it was a force. Henry got out of the school that night and he was the only one. I left the school that night sure, but I never got out of the state of mind I felt in there. I never got out of the shadow of death cast upon me. As death followed me to college it would be a familiar face once more. Not in the way you might think though. In high school, death was an instrument of fear used against me. In college however, I would be forced to use death as an instrument of my own.

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