Days Before Thanksgiving

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I stood at the living room window watching the horror unfold in my front yard as the killer dug his knife into the neck of my uncle. As the blood spewed from his neck the killer dug deeper, trying to cut clean through his neck, he cut at it like a saw. I stood there and watched as if it was just another hallucination caused by the paranoia of being hunted. I closed my eyes as the brutal cutting of the tendons in my uncle's neck continued. I opened my eyes to the killer grasping my uncle's head in his right hand and propping the rest of his body up with his left. 

As my uncle's body fell to the ground it stained the snow red, the blood poured out of his severed neck like a dam had just broken. The killer stood facing me in his blue neon mask just holding the head. I smiled at him as if I was about to erase him from my mind with a blink. I rested my face into my hands and focused really hard, that's how I get rid of the hallucinations like the little girl in the grocery store. 

I focused my breathing and listened to the loud chattering coming from the kitchen. I felt the steady beat of my heart and I stood there in the window until I felt calm enough to open my eyes. I don't even know how long I was standing there but my focus was interrupted by my mother approaching me from the kitchen.

"Hey sweety, what are you...doing? " She asked walking up to me placing her hand on my shoulder.

I looked at her and she turned her head looking outside. 

"Nothi..." I started to say but stopped mid-thought when I saw my mother cover her face with her hands.

I looked back to the yard to a bloody scene, snow stained red, head of my uncle severed from the rest of his body, the killer missing from the scene naturally. I grabbed my mom and hugged her pulling her away from the window. 

"Help, somebody help!" I yelled as I sat my mom down on the couch.

Six Days Earlier

We left off last with the arrival of my family, whose names lack importance but their presence carries great significance. My dad's eldest brother arrived first, an hour later my mom's brother. Then my dad's youngest brother followed by the middle brother. In a flash, my house was jammed packed full of family members I wished hadn't existed. 

Most of my cousins didn't even understand the concept of privacy, they'd pry open a locked bathroom door if you gave them enough time. I have two cousins I really enjoy though, Jenna and Landon. That's who I spend most of my holidays with since they always come to my house for thanksgiving. Jenna was a few years older than me and a photographer and Landon was the same age as me studying in college. 

Since I had the only none perfect boring life I was talk of the family while they were here. Asking me questions I didn't wanna answer about times I didn't wanna remember. I got questions often like "Is it true what they say about not dropping the soap?" or "What was it like in prison?". Insensitive questions from my douche ass uncles. For some reason, they imagined my painful memories would be good dinner stories.

Most nights I went to be really early to avoid contact with most of my family, I'd wake up early to a peaceful sleeping house. I had no friends to text, or places to go so I just sat in my house all day watching Netflix when I found some alone time. My parents made breakfast for the whole house and the aroma of good food permeated the house.

It was only later that day I finally got a break from the insanity of the house. My dad's eldest brother, Jenna and Landon's father gave me a twenty-dollar bill to go get him a coffee from time Hortons and get a little something for myself. I jumped on the opportunity of escaping this house and I asked Jenna and Landon to tag along.

"Im sorry my dad was asking you all those questions," Landon said sitting in the passenger seat 

"Ya that was really insensitive," Jenna said poking her head up from the back seat.

"Thanks guys...It's just a chapter in my life I wanna close... yanno?" I replied

they nodded pretending to understand the pain I was in. I guess that's all you really can do in that situation. They were lucky they hadn't gone through a fraction of the things I had but I couldn't judge them for not understanding. Sometimes I don't even understand. it was really nice to catch up with them after such a terrible couple of years but I could tell they were like scared to ask me questions.

After we all got drinks we sat in the parking lot for awhile listening to Landon tell us hilarious drunks stores from college. He sounded like quite the party animal in all his glorious stories about running from the cops. Jenna showed us some of her photos she took while she was traveling abroad and they were...breathtaking.  the world through the lens of a camera was always a little bit warmer than it was in real life. 

When Jenna received a text from her father telling her to hurry up we decided it was best we get home before the hot coffee naturally turns into an iced coffee.  We left the time Hortons a little bit after eight at night, by then the sun had already gone down and it was pitch black. I drove down the road, music blasting, singing passengers and I just sat there feeling the moment. A moment of joy, which I don't feel much these days.

I turned my head from the road to look back at Jenna who was dancing to the music when I brought my focus back to the road I noticed a man standing in the middle of the road in front of me. I immediately pushed the brake all the way to the floor. The car squealed to a stop and I looked at Landon panicked.

"Are you okay!?" I yelled.

"Fuck Chris, why the hell did you do that?" He asked pinching his bloody nose.

I turned back to the street but the man was no longer there.

"I...I thought I saw someone in the road." I looked at myself in the mirror.

I awkwardly drove back home and went straight to my room. Jenna and Landon no doubt spilling about the incident. I don't know if the man in the street was the killer, or if it was just a person in general, or if there was really even a person at all. That day I decided that I would never get back into a vehicle as long as I was having these bleeds. When my paranoia bleeds into reality causing hallucinations I mean. 

So that promise to myself is also why I run away from home on foot. Me at the steering wheel of any vehicle was dangerous. Not only dangerous for me but for everyone else. That's enough for today I... I can't continue right now.

Chris Logged Off

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