Cause and Effect

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I felt the heat from the fire on the side of my body that was closest to it. I was just relieved the car didn't explode. I was on the passenger's side on the ground. Since the car had flipped the window was lined up with the ground and it was just big enough for me to get through. There was still some glass residue on the ceiling of the car so I didn't wanna scape my body across them. Instead, I reached for Dane without crawling into the car. I stretched and reached but my arm wasn't long enough.

Realizing I was in a race against time I stuck a small portion of the front of my body into the car just so I could reach him. I shook him calling his name, no answer. The more time went by the closer the fire got and the more my injuries hurt. I guess it was from the effect of the sweet sweet adrenaline wearing off. I shook him some more but he didn't budge, I mentally assessed his injuries. Dane had a wound on his head from the impact with the window. From where I was that all I could see.

I came to the conclusion that I was not going to wake Dane up from his state of unconsciousness so I only had one option to save his life... I had to pull him out. In that situation, I remember asking myself how the hell I was gonna help him without the use of my legs. in the few seconds of decision making, I had left I knew I had to get to his side of the car but I didn't know how. Creating a thick streak of blood behind me I pulled myself across the ground to get to his side of the car.

When I got to his side of the car I took a look down at my legs and I remember not being able to see skin because as I scraped across the ground the glass went deeper into the tissue in my leg. it felt like the glass made its way all the way through my leg but I knew it hadn't. While I moved to his side of the car I screamed bloody murder for help but no one heard it. When I got to the driver's side window I reached for the seatbelt and pushed the button releasing Dane from the seat belt. 

He fell straight down onto the ceiling but I had managed to secure his head before his body fell. Smoke erupted from the remains of the car like a volcano that had erupted. As I began to pull Dane from the car the fire entered the car through the front window. As I got on my knees I felt glass scrap against the bone in my knee but I didn't have a choice. I knew when I reached for Dane the fire was going to burn me but I did it anyway. As I reached for Dane I felt a white-hot searing pain in my left arm and shoulder. As I tugged on Danes' body with what little energy I had left he slowly slid out of the car onto the pavement next to it. 

I rolled on to my back looking up into the sky, I saw pillars of black smoke which invaded my lungs. I saw the sky and I realized I finally got what I wanted... I wanted to feel an emotion and at that moment I felt relieved. Relieved that a car crash, which was not my fault, was about to end my eternal suffering. I got light-headed and my eyes began to get heavy like they had weights tied to them. I gave in and closed my eyes, accepting a demise that was by no means caused by me... unlike the killer.

Clearly that crash didn't kill me or I wouldn't be writing the story today. When I woke up from the crash I was in a hospital bed with my parents sleeping in the chairs that were on the side of my bad. I heard a constant beep from one of my monitors and I suddenly realized that I was alive. My whole body was covered in bandages and my leg was in a cast. I looked out the window and I saw sunlight. I was confused... when we crashed it was later at night so it must have been the next day but... what time?

I located a clock in my room that read 2:45. I called for my mom and dad and they shot right up talking to me like I was an infant with a cold 

"How are you feeling honey?" my mom asked as my dad went for the nurses

" I'm fine I think, how bad" I asked in between jolts of pain.

the doctor entered introducing herself and then asking me to save my energy and to just listen. 

"You have second-degree burns on the left side of your body ranging from your chin to your hand, you also had an open fracture on your right leg which we put plates in to fix. On top of all that the plastic surgeon on call removed one hundred thirty shards of class from the skin on your legs." 

"is that it?" I remarked grinning

The doctor did her checkup and then left and I asked my dad to go check on Dane but he said that he was fine and he'd go talk to his parents later that night after dinner. My parents acted like investigative police asking me what car did it, what color, age of the driver. I wasn't concerned about the punishment of the driver I was concerned about Dane. After all, who's to say the driver is a bad person because he/she did a bad thing. There could have been circumstances that couldn't allow them to get caught for this and I understand. Good people can do bad things and still be good people. If we held all people to the standard that their moral goodness was based on how closely they followed every single law their whole life no one would be a good person.

Dinner was some gross watery mash potatoes and green jello, the classic hospital staple in Hollywood. After my parents interrogated me enough I finally got my dad to go check on Dane. While he was gone there was a knock at the door but I didn't see anyone face through the square window in the middle. The door swung open and I turned to see the killer's neon suit. I reached for the emergency button but he got to it first cutting it in half with a  knife. My mom screamed and the killer vaulted the bed and in one fast motion blood dripped down from her neck.

She fell to the ground gasping for air. the killer moved to the wall next to the door so whoever came in next wouldn't see him. Glued to my mom on the floor the door swung open again but when I turned to warn the person it was too late. My dad stood still looking at my but his look was blank. He suddenly dropped down to his knees on the killer removed the knife from the back of his skull. I screamed for help but no one came. The killer drug the bodies of my parents to the chairs they were in when I woke up and he sat them upright in them. He looked at me reaching for his mask, he began to slowly peel the mask from his face and I saw... Myself.As my eyes widened I was brought back to reality by a shake from my mom. Who was very much alive.

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