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Little late on this part, sorry. Been a rough few weeks for me in the present day. My journey from Lousiana...From Clarke had been far more difficult than I imagined. I'll catch you up later if we have the time. For now, let's get back to the story.

It was finally thanksgiving. It felt like an eternity had passed but I finally made it. I considered it a checkpoint but in reality, it would quickly become a setback. The morning of thanksgiving was chaotic for my mother but quite peaceful for me considering I slept till noon. I awoke to the banging of toys in the living room. 

As countless hours went by the killing hour approached. As my family sat around the kitchen table in our cozy house the darkness crept in undetected. The laughter and joy erupting from my family drowned out the warning signs that death approached. 

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen duty calls," my uncle said standing up smacking his pack of cigarettes against his hand.

"Not in the garage!" my mom yelled turning to him

"Ya Ya" He called back waving his hand dismissing her.

my stomach suddenly turned, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I stood up suddenly. my mom put her hand on my arm and she asked,

"Are you okay honey?" my mom asked concerned 

"Haha ya I think the food is getting to me I need to go to the bathroom," I said laughing.

That was a lie.

Suddenly I felt unsafe as if I was being watched through the windows. The paranoia pried open my head and buried itself deep. I walked to my room and the smile quickly faded to a frown. I sat on my bed in my room and buried my face in my hands. I looked through my bedroom window out into the darkness, the street light beamed down like a classic horror movie. 

I saw smoke rising from the cigarette my uncle had in his hand. He stood at the beginning of our driveway leaning up against his car. His arms were crossed and we look cold. No doubt he actually was cold, the wind was brittle that night. I cleared my mind of all things killer and began to calm down. The constant fear of sudden death finally left me as I opened my bedroom door to return to my family.

I walked down the stairs and into the living room. I walked past the living room window when a light caught my eye. I turned and looked outside. My uncle was standing in the snow reaching out for my help, the killer behind him a knife pressed up against his throat. I got cocky... I thought that if I closed my eyes and thought of just nothing it would go away. My new calming technique had been working for weeks, in this life if it was bold of me to assume Id figured out...anything.

After my first attempt to make the horrible vision fade from my mind I watched as the killer slashes his throat, my uncle reached up for his throat covering it. He gasped for air as the blood poured down his dying body staining the snow around him. The killer wasn't done yet... As my uncle's body collapsed onto his knees the killer grabbed onto his shoulders with one hand and with the other he began sawing away at his neck.

I watched as the killer sawed through his main artery, then the tendons and ligaments. As he shred through the muscles the blood spread out covering a larger radius around him. The killer looked up to me every so often to make sure I was still watching. Every once in a while I tried to clear my mind again but nothing happened.  

"Chris are you okay?" My little cousin asked tugging at my sleeve

"Ya Tommy im good, just give me a second," I said.'

He nodded and then head for the bathroom.

My attention shifted back to the hallucination, the killer holding my uncle's head up to me.

Killing ChrisWhere stories live. Discover now