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I stepped off the wall of the mental hospital and considered what Rhys just said for one second. Could he be telling the truth, had I really been here the whole time?

"Rhys stop, my parents took me home about...hmmm six months ago or so and I was doing better at first but it all seeped through" I replied

"What seeped through Chris?" Rhy asked grabbing my bleeding hand.

"The nightmares of this place and the worst of all...him" I spat

"Chris, you have been locked up here for the past six months working on your treatment I'm sorry to have to tell you...I mean look at yourself your still in your psych wing clothes" Rhys replied 

I looked down at myself...It was true. I was still In my clothes from the hospital but going home felt so real. What triggered this episode, to get the information I needed there was only one person I could talk to...Dr. Green.

"Chris are you okay? Do I need to call for help?" Rhys asked observing the wounds on my hand.

I rubbed my face anxious "Uh no I'm going back inside right now, I need some sleep."

I walked past Rhys toward my same cell, where all my belongings still remained. Not a single thing had been moved from where I remember leaving them. I sat on my bed and tried really hard to think about even one thing that happened in the last six months but it was all just black. It was like when you're taking a test and you are trying your hardest to remember the material you learned but you just can't.

I sat and tried over and over again to will myself to remember but the memories never came. Maybe I was trying to create memories for a time that didn't exist. Maybe Rhys was just playing around. Nervously I walked down the hallway looking for Dr. Green, I checked his office but no luck, I checked the cafeteria but no luck. In panicked last attempt, I tried the nurse's office. I knocked on the door and no one answered. When no one answered I turned to leave but suddenly the lock clicked and the door swung open. 

A nurse stepped out and looked down but sides of the hallway.

"Are you alright?" She asked me

"Me... Oh ya I'm just great I'm actually looking for Dr. Green I really need to talk to him right away" I responded, I imagined I probably sounded insane like a crack addict in withdrawal.

She picked up the little radio clipped to her waistband and spoke into it.

"Hey I have one of your patients standing outside the nurse's station looking for you can you come here for a sec," She said.

Crackling over the radio and then it was interrupted by a man's voice...Dr. Greens voice.

"Yes, I'm on my way. Don't let him leave." He responded.

She put the radio back and she smiled at me. I could tell she was feeling a little awkward but I wasn't. Insignificant feelings like that I just couldn't feel anymore, my minimum emotional threshold had gotten too high. I sat down on the ground back against the wall just staring at the wall in front of me, waiting for Dr. Green to come to tell me I wasn't crazy at all and that in fact, Rhys was.

A couple of minutes after the call Dr. Green rounded the corner and walked up to me with his hands on his hips. 

"What's the matter, Chris?" Dr. Green asked sitting next to me

"Have I really been here for the last six months?" I asked 

"Yes and you're doing much better than when you got here" He replied 

I hit my head against the wall a few times, not hard enough to do any damage but enough to feel discomfort.

"No, this can't be happening. I woke up this morning in my bed and I left home to come here. I had been home for six months" I said confused 

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