After Homecoming

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The police showed up to the school quickly after the bodies were found and the adults cleared the gym like they were any more suited to handle the situation then us. Outside the school parents started showing up crying for their kids who were still alive but had to witness the bodies of two dead teenagers... how awful, compared to the two parents who have to show up and not be able to pick up and take their kids home. Lake, Margo, and I sat on the curb next to each other in grim silence until finally, Margo broke it saying

"Who do you guys think did it"

I shrugged and Lake replied "Idk but damn, they are messed up"

Margo was sitting in the middle of me and lake and she grabbed both our hands and she closed her eyes and she said

"I'm so unapologetically happy that It wasn't one of us that died tonight... However much longer we get to suffer on this earth, cheers to doing it together."

I looked over to her and Lake and realized that these two people right here sitting next to me both own pieces of me ill never get back, and where ever they go in this world I will always be with them, in memory, in thought, and body. Because I love them and the worse thing that could happen right now is them not being here anymore. Death knows no bounds and it stared us in the face tonight and being honest I shit down my leg. Death is forever and some people might say that love and friendship are stronger but I've never seen someone in love or just friends and wanted to run away or run to it.

Anyways, as members of the senior class Lake, Margo, and I were allowed to have our cars on campus so instead of calling our parents to come to pick us up, we all jumped in Margo's car since we left it in the school parking lot in case we wanted to ditch early. Derek waited with the crowd for his parents to pick him up and Lake's date was...MIA. Margo decided we shouldn't be alone tonight and she drove us to Lakes house. Lakes house was massive, it had 3 floors and a basement and it housed the perfect cliche rich family. His mom was a lawyer and his dad owned a local construction company. When we got to Lakes my parents were standing out front with Lake's parents and they practically ripped us out of the car hugging us and spamming us with questions. Margo's parents weren't there though, not cause they didn't get told about it, but because Margo never really had the best parents. She had grown up constantly being collateral damage between her parent's rough divorce. My mom treated Margo like one of her own and she comforted her when we got in Lakes house. My parents begged me to come home with them but I wanted to stay put with Lake and Margo.

I don't think anyone slept much, we laid in the basement on couches just staring at the dark ceiling. that night was almost uneventful, so close to being just an easy night where we eventually doze off even though it felt like we'd be awake forever. It was about maybe two a.m. at this point and none of us were saying anything but we all knew no one was sleeping. A car alarm outside the house interrupted our peace and quiet if you can call that peace. All three of us shot up off our couches and ran upstairs to look out the window. Margo, seeing her car lights blinking aimed her keys at her car and clicked the lock and unlock buttons a bunch of times but nothing happened. if only we knew that the car alarm going off was not just an accident created by a faulty part in her old beat-up car, maybe the killer would have left us alone that night.

Margo opened the front door and walked down the driveway which was a little longer than most. Lakes subdivision was new so there were no street lights and the houses around his were still being built. Lake and I stood by the window watching her as she approached the car. It was too dark to see except for the moments when the car alarm went off and the lights came on. Margo was about halfway down the driveway with her phone flashlight on when we saw the strange person in a hoodie standing in front of her car. They must have had some kind of a mask on because I couldn't see a face. Margo froze, Lake screamed for his parents and I flung the door open and ran out to Margo when I reached her she was shaking her phone on the ground face down. The in-between flashes of the light made it hard to see what the person was doing but I could tell he was walking by her car. He stood still in front of it for a second and held his finger up to his mouth vertically like he was shushing us than he moved it to his neck and made a slashing motion as if he was metaphorically slashing our necks. He bent down and did something at the front of her car but it was too dark to see. The lights flickered one last time and when the lights came back he was gone. Lake's dad came running down the driveway with a rifle that looked like it was from the revolutionary era. The police came and once again, the killer had left no trace besides the note.

Ignorance is a funny thing, ignorant to the fact that as a killer was at large her car alarm randomly going off was a coincidence, ignorance is the cause of many things, I'm sure death is not excluded. If I only I had been a little less ignorant I would've been able to stop the killer before they even started. That night the strange man who we'd later find out was the killer, left a note on the grill of her car. It read Broken people make broken things. It was true I suppose like a promise, so strong in theory but easily broken if tempted by broken people. We were all a little broken now... or maybe we always were. We leave trails of broken promises as we grow up and it adds up to make broken people. I am broken, when I decided to give pieces of myself to my friends I suppose I became broken. A good broken though if that exists.

Now before we go any further with the story id like to strike some ideas out of your head, this isn't a normal story where the final girl/guy makes it till the end and stops the psycho from killing them right after they butcher everyone they care about. No, if that's where you thought the story was going you are sadly mistaken. I'm not the final guy, I don't outlive the killer. I, like many others in this story, do meet the end of a knife, just not yet.

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