Under his coils.

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What happened to Yunie, why is she dying, she was just fine, she looks like she's been poisoned, Yunie is pale and cold to the point of death, she coughs out blood as Kain and Felix gently set her down on the bed they prepared for her.

Hugo and Knight stand near her bed watching her squirm in agony

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Hugo and Knight stand near her bed watching her squirm in agony. "Painful." Hugo looks worried Knight nods at him. "Yes very painful." Theodore is holding in his anger, as the Naga doctor checks on Yunie, Ruin and Gillter are outside the door with there heads looking at the ground, the Naga doctor sighs and finishes looking at Theodore. "Brodifacoum is a pest control chemical that kills by preventing clotting, causing massive internal bleeding." What the fuck, thought Knight and Theodore. "How can this happen she wasn't near any poison chemicals!" The naga doctor shakes his head. "Has she eaten anything at all today." Knight was the one that answered. "She only had a club a sandwich at the airport but she never finished it." Ruin and Gillter look at Knight suspiciously. "She might have been poisoned by one of the employees there." Everyone is shocked, Hugo clinched his fist, Theodore shakes with anger, I can't believe they would ruin a perfect sandwich. Kain thought "Who would poison Yunie?" Kain asked, Theodore looks at the doctor. "Is there a cure?" The doctor takes out a syringe and hands it to Theodore. "Inject her with vitamin K every 3-6 hours until her color comes back and make sure, she stays away from water for 12 hours, she's going to get thirsty when she wakes up but that will kill her instantly, just keep giving her the vitamin K every 3 hour or so I ready gave her the first shot, she'll be fine as long as she gets some rest." Theodore bows his head to him. "Thank you doctor." Knight does the same "Thanks doc for everything." The doctor smiles with a toothy grin. "Don't mention it." He walks out the door. "So who's going to poke her with that thing." Ruin asked grinning, Theodore sets it down next to Yunie night stand. "I got a meeting in 3 hours." Theodore slithers out of the room. "I have one of my clients coming in today." Knight chuckles. "Oh one of your man whores." Felix blushes laughing nervously "He's not like that Knight god." Felix angrily slithers out the door, Knight laughs following after him Kain slithers behind him. "Well I have to clean up all the mess that boar left in the living." Ruin walks out looking over Hugo. He hasn't moved from there since the doctor told us she's been poisoned. Ruin thought as Gillter slithers over to Hugo side by Yunie's bed. "Dying." Hugo asked, Giltter knew Hugo is a Naga of few words but he seems to be really worried about Yunie, he's never seen Hugo interested in anything but video games. "No no, she's going to be fine, we just need someone to inject her with the medicine every 3 hours." Giltter reassured him. "I'll do it." Hugo climbs on top of Yunie bed laying next to her with his coils laying on the floor, Giltter smiles. "Good, you take care of her now, im going to go make something for her to eat later." Glitter slithers out of the room closing the door gently, Hugo looks over Yunie sleeping form. "Peaceful." He whispers, he takes the blankets from her tossing them to the floor, Yunie shivers. "I'm warmer." He wraps his coils under her like a bed and then around her waist completely covering her body in his soft warm coils, he covers her chest laying on top of her putting more of his coils around them so they were inside of an igloo of his coils, Yunie whimpers in her sleep having a little nightmare. Hugo smiles gently petting her head. "Cute." He whispers in her ear making her shiver. "Thir..sty." Yunie let's out a raspy voice, clining to Hugo's coils. "Can't." He's caresses her cheek to claim her down. "Plea...se...wa..ter." Hugo sees she's still asleep, he thinks for a moment and leans over her nearly touching her nose with his own. Shes breathing rapidly. "I'll give you my water." Hugo took out his blue tongue dripping with his blue colored salvia, he gently opens her mouth filling it with his salvia, luckly she drinks it as he keeps pouring more into her mouth, Yunie desperately pulls his hair, wanting more, Hugo watches how she keeps drinking and sucking, he chuckles as he pulls his tongue away as Yunie tried to suck on it like a straw, his salvia was like the tastiest drink she's ever had. "No more." He saids covering her mouth with his hand as she swallows the rest of his salvia, He removes his hand cleaning up her mouth with the tip of his tail. "Sleep." He tells her as he rests his head on her chest wrapping his arms around her waist. "Night." He whispers as he closes his eyes, waiting for her to wake up he dreams about him and her reading one of his manga together.

Giltter comes into the room seeing Hugo and Yunie asleep in Hugo's coils. "Guess she was pretty cold." Chuckling at the blankets on the floor, he leaves a plate of cookies on the night stand turning off the lights, he closes the door as Knight in fornt of him looking pissed, Giltter guessing that Felix and him had a fight. "How's Yunie?" He asked trying to open the door but Giltter blocks him. "She's fine Hugo is taking care of her." Knight is confused. "Hugo since when does Hugo look after human girl's?" Giltter sighs. "I'm not so sure myself but he seems pretty fond of her." Knight glares at Giltter, he wasn't intimidated. "Seriously she's supposed to be my pery!" Giltter hisses at him his scales bristling. "She doesn't belong to any of us, Theodore mentioned that, she's our maid and will be treated like she's part of the family." Knight's eyes glow red as his horns start to poke out of his head. "She's a human  not a Naga!" Giltter angrily hisses. "Don't you think I know that but she's now an orphan cuz of her abusive step mother, we owe her real mother our lives remember!" Knight's horns start to infuse back into his back into his head. "Fuck you and that human woman!" Knight slithers away to his room, Giltter knew he would get like this, sighing to himself, he sees Ruin slithering to him. "So Knight is jealous of Hugo?" Asked Ruin, Giltter chuckles holding his side. "Yeah glad Hugo got to her first, he's a nice kid he wouldnt hurt a fly." Ruin said as he puts his arm around Giltter's shoulder. "Come on Nag we need to prepare a party for Yunie tomorrow night." Giltter was curious for a moment. "Hey Ruin how come you didn't kill Yunie aren't you like he type to hate humans?" Ruin laughs like a maniac, startling Giltter. "She's just to prefect for my plans tomorrow night, it's going to be raining blood." Ruin slitheres away still laughing. Oh dear Yunie is going to go through hell with Ruin.

Party time people Yunie is in for some hell this evening, will Hugo protect her or will her Knight and shining armor come to the rescue, Ruin is defintly up to something sinister.

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