Hugo's Bloodthirsty Rage

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Hugo bursts through door seeing Yunie completely nake covered in bite makes on her neck and face. "Mother Fucker." Hugo's eyes turn into slits his teeth baring, ozzing with venom about ready to kill Seth. "Well if isn't Hugo, your just in time as i mate with this little mouse." Seth holds Yunie in is coils licking her bleeding neck, Yunie looks at Hugo desperately as her tears fall down her cheeks. "Let her go Seth." Hugo's demands with a snarl in his voice, Seth laughs opening his mouth wide, wide enough to swallow Yunie, Yunie screams bloody murder, Hugo freezes as he was about to grab her. "Do anything or Yunie will be my dinner." Hugo stands there dumbstruck, he can't think of a way to save her. "Seth don't do it, she's-" "Shut up you can't tell me what to do!" Seth lunges at Yunie about to eat her but Hugo used his tail stop him, making Seth bite on his tail. Hugo slams his tail against the wall with Seth still attached to it, he slams it as hard as he can, making Seth let go of his tail. "You actually think you can take her from me!" Seth bites on Hugo's tail again this time tearing off part of his scales, Hugo screams in pain slapping his tail at him but Seth used his tail to block it, Hugo and Seth transform into their full Naga forms with horns and large fangs. "Oh so we're going to fight to the death?" Seth pushes his tail against Hugo. "You hurt my most important thing." Seth laughs looking over to Yunie, she flinched trying to cover her exposed body. "You actually love this human?" Hugo doesn't say anything but Yunie was half crying and half blushing. Hugo cares about me. She thought as she watches these Naga fight to the death, biting and scratching at their giant Naga bodies.

I'm so terrified seeing Hugo and Seth fight each m, Hugo was losing as Seth had his tail in his mouth for the third time now. "Hugo..." This is to much Hugo was always so aloof but he cared about me, he's fighting for my freedom, Hugo uses his tail to slam Seth to the ground knocking the wind out of him. "You're going to pay." Seth bites on Hugo's tail once again but Hugo slams his tail repeatedly on Seth's face over and over blood pours out of his head slowly knocking him unconscious. "I should kill you but that would upset Yunie..." I'd have no idea, Hugo cared about me this much, Seth might have tried to kill me but he doesn't need to die. "Hugo..." Hugo looks over to me then smiles gently. "Yunie it's ok now we're going home." He wraps his bitten up tail around my waist bring me up to his chest holding me gently. "Yunie, I'm so glad your ok." I felt something soft and wet on my cheek, Hugo is licking my bleeding face, he then slowly wraps us both into his coils, looking at him he looked terrifying but that didn't both me. "Thank you Hugo." He chuckles holding me tighter. "Your dumb to think i would let him, take you away from us." Hugo puts a bloody hoodie on me, it smells like him to. "Come on, the scorpion guy must be worried."

As Hugo was saying Scorpio was outside worried but his eyes lit up when he saw me. "Human Yunie, your a alive!" Scorpio comes up to us crying, he cant fit through the door and we both start laughing, aww for a huge bug man he's actually kinda cute. "Lets get out of here." Hugo takes my hand with Scorpio following behind us. "Oh your not going anywhere." We look behind us and see Scorpio is bleeding from his stomach, Austin thrusted his sword into Scorpio from behind, Scorpio falls to the ground panting. "Scorpio!!!" Hugo quickly strikes at Austin biting onto his side, Hugo and Austin keep fighting as i try to help Scorpio. "Scorpio stay with me please!" His blood is pouring out staining the carpet red and the hoodie Hugo gave me. "Human Yunie." Scorpio used the tip of his claw to stroke my hair behind my ear. "Please don't die, you haven't tasted true freedom yet!" I hug his claw crying out to him, he smiles softly stroking my cheek. "Your kindness was my true freedom." He chuckles seeing my bewild expression. "Human Yunie my true name is Travis, i was always named Scorpio never being able to use my true name can you say my name for me Human Yunie." I smile at him with tears running down my cheeks. "Travis..." I call him in the softest voice i can, his eyes start to water but he smiles brightly at me. "Yunie thank you for giving me my freedom." Scorpio's eyes turn white than his claws falls limp i can't hear his breathing anymore, Scorpio was gone. "Travis!!!" Hugo made Austin flee but sees a bunch of guards heading my way, he grabs me with his tail slithering out of manor. "No we can't leave Travis!" I fight him to let me go, he doesn't listen and just keeps running. "Travis!!!" Hugo runs out of the Manor, we see Knight sitting on the ground, he sees us with a million Naga guards on our tails, just as we least expected a limo pulls up in front of us seeing it was Kain driving. "Hurry!" He opens all the doors and we jump inside, Kain hits the excelerator and we get away, I'm crying so hard can't get over the fact Scorpio is dead, Knight and Hugo both hug me as i ball my eyes out, screaming his real name. "Travis!"

We finally made it back home Hugo and i cuddled up against Yunie as she cries and cries, she didn't want to eat or sleep all she did was cried and whimpered the scorpion guy's name, its been 2 days and she hasn't stopped crying, Hugo told me that Austin killed him as they were escaping, Hugo and I agreed to try and comfort her as much as we could, she needed us both no matter how much i hate the idea but I'll do anything for her. "Knight can you leave me and Yunie alone i need to talk to her." Hugo asks me, i don't want to leave them alone but... "Fine just try and make her feel better, i can't stand seeing her like this." I leave out of Yunie's room, please smile again Yunie.

I watch Knight leave the room, i look down at Yunie's figure she's completely covered in bites and buries, she hasn't even changed out of the hoodie i gave her, i lift up her head to see her eyes are lifeless and bloodshot. "Yunie you need to change out of that blood hoodie." She doesn't say anything, i take this chance to pick her and bring her to the bathroom, i take off the hoodie, setting her into the bathtub, i hop in with her washing her hair. "Yunie, we need to clean you up." Again she doesn't say anything and i continue to wash her hair and body carefully enough not to hurt her, her hair is completely covered in Seth's saliva, should have killed him when i had the chance, Yunie sits there hugging her knees to her chest, i use my tail to scrub her back, her depression is getting to me, i was hoping she would yell or scream being naked in a tub together, finally finished washing her, i look through her closet searching for something something she can wear, she has really cute clothes, i chuckle at the cat onesie with ears and a tail it also has a bell on it, my tail sways with excitement, i want to dress her up into it, Yunie was a little curious and still in a towel. "Hugo what are you doing in there?" I chuckle wrapping my tail around her waist bring her into the closet. "Would you wear this for me?" She looks at the cat onesie and nods not even putting up a fight, i put the onesie on her and my tail starts wagging excitedly. "So cute." Yunie looks away upset and heads to the bed once again, i can't it anymore i want the old Yunie back. "Yunie!" I tackle her to bed wrapping my coils around us she cries again. "Yunie i know you lost a good friend but please stop crying, I'm here we're here and we all love you Yunie!" I press my lips on hers slipping my tongue inside feeding her more of my essence, shes a part of me, a part of all of us. "Yunie i love you we all love you." Yunie passes out from taking my essence into her body finally she's asleep hopefully she'll get enough sleep so she can eat tomorrow, I never want anyone to hurt her again like this again. "Our Yunie."

Vampy: Happy Easter Everyone thank you so much for everything i love to dedicated this chapter to -_WoeTheOutcasts_- thank you for all for reading you guys are the best and thank you -_WoeTheOutcasts_- for voting on my stories cant wait to read your next chapter, see you all in the next chapter ^_^

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