My Knight And Shining Mermaid?

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Hugo is still holding Yunie in his arms, she feels so uncomfortable but he's so protective of her like she's a little puppy, he's not going to let anyone hurt his pet. "Uh Hugo you can let me down now." He doesn't hear her and walks to his room setting her down on his bed. "Stay here." He tells her as he walks out of the room there he sees Knight standing in front of his door, he looks worried. "Is Yunie ok?" Hugo has never seen Knight like this, he can see Knight sweating from anxiety. "Yes." That's all he had to say walking away from him heading to the kitchen, Knight sighs with relief, he looks at Hugo's door and decided to go inside.

Yunie was sitting on Hugo's bed gazing all over his room probably admiring all Hugo's manga and junk, she looks over at me with a confused look. "Oh Knight where's Hugo?" I close the door behind me locking it, she flinched when I locked it. "Knight?" She gets up from the bed but I push her down hovering over her, she stares at me terrified. "I'm sorry." I apologize but kept her firmly down. "I just need to know." Her face lightens a little, good I don't want to scare her or else she'll scream. "Why are you afraid of me?" Yunie was shocked looking at me I've never showen my soft side to anyone, I caress her cheek with back of my hand she shivers, she opens her mouth to speak but then someone bangs on the door angrily. "Open the door!" He yells, Yunie pushes me away and runs to the door, Hugo was there holding a plate of cookies with some milk, he looks over at Yunie then to me and glares at me. "Get out." Whatever this is boring, I walk out of the room slamming the door behind me. "Prick." Damn it why does he always have to protect her this isn't fair! "Oh Knight there you are!" Miss Valentine slithered over to me looking all giddy with her two brothers behind her, Austin was eating an apple. I bet he's thinking of Yunie cuz that dress does make her look like an apple, Seth on the other hand is smelling Hugo's room with his snake tongue. Miss Valentine rubs my right arms with her cold hands. "Well Knight id like to have that girl Yunie for tonight's feast." I glare at her almost grabbing her by the throat. "She's not food she's a guest here!" Miss Valentine hisses at me wrapping her tail around my waist. "I want her!" Her brothers Austin and Seth join in. "We want her to." They say at the same time while Hugo comes out of the room with Yunie next to him, Miss Valentine's eyes turn into slits as she stares at Hugo with Yunie, Hugo pulls Yunie closer to him almost hiding her from her. "Hugo my darling why are you protecting that piece of meat?" Hugo doesn't look her way and holds Yunie closer to him, this is pissing me off. "Why are you doing this to me Hugo!" She starts making circles around him yelling at the top of her lungs getting ready to strike at Yunie with her venom dripping teeth, this feels like a female snake fighting over a mate  but Hugo wraps his tail around Yunie protectively, bearing his teeth at miss Valentine his teeth are dripping a venom, Yunie looks terrified of all this, they have stand off glaring at each other, finally Miss Valentine she hisses at him turning away from them heading straight to the ballroom with her brothers right behind her. "Good." Hugo let's Yunie go whipping her dress with his tail, she thanks him by hand shaking his tail, Hugo looks away almost blushing, Ugh gag me with spoon. "I'm out of here." I walk away angrily heading to the kitchen, wonder if Kain has something nice cooking up.

I watch as Knight walks away to the kitchen, im feeling kind of hungry myself. "Hey Hugo I'm going to the kitchen ok don't wait up." I rush over to Knight leaving Hugo confused but he just walks into his room a little annoyed, I kinda feel bad but I want to try and get along with Knight after that whole episode of why am I afraid of him and the way how his eyes looked. He looked so sad. "Hey Knight wait up!" He stops. "What the hell do you want?" Geez bipolar much. "I want to eat to." I tell him walking ahead of him, he walks next to me a little confused. "I thought you were going with Hugo?" I shake my head smiling at him. "Nope." He blinks surprised until we finally made it to the kitchen Kain is cooking like crazy there's a lot of strange food here, some are giant animals and others I don't even want to describe. "Damn Nag you really went all out huh." Knight sits by the counter I sit next to him as Kain is baking a giant cake. "No no this is nothing there's so many guests I have to cook that they will all eat." Kain offers us one plate filled with shrimp and cocktail sauce.  "Eat up I know how humans enjoy sea food." Kain smiles returning back to cooking, Knight takes one and holds it in his mouth it looks like he's kissing a shrimp monster, I giggle taking a bite of one, my face lights up tasting how amazing this is. "You look like a mouse enjoying her cheese." Knight smirks tossing another one in mouth. "It's kinda of cute." He chuckles holding up the shrimp to my face, does he want me to eat it? "I'm not a mouse." I pout biting the shrimp off his fingers, I accidentally licked his finger, Knight looks away blushing, did I image that? "Well what do we have here?" We both turn and see Ruin and Gillter giggling. "Oh shrimp my fav!" Ruin takes a couple swallowing them whole. I forgot he's a snake. "Gillter want some?" I offer him some but he looks disgusted. "No thank you I hate sea food." Ruin rests his chin on my head holding on to my waist. "Yunie you didn't offer me any." He sounds sad but I know in his voice he's faking. "Oh I know how about I feed you." He holds a shrimp in his mouth and leans into my face. "What are you doing!" He chuckles holding me tighter. "I'm mouth feeding you of course." He's so close, Knight pulls Ruin away from me, he turns Ruin to face him and takes a bite of the shrimp in his mouth, Gillter and I look at each other red in the face. "Knight I didn't know you roll that way." Ruin chuckles trying to kiss Knight, Knight pushes him away and angrily wipes his mouth. "In your dreams Nag perv!" Ruin laughs even harder walking away with Gillter, Ruin turns back and winks at me. "Save me a dance." Knight looks over to me glaring, why is he mad at me I didn't do anything! "Your to easy for a Naga, he could've ate your face!" He could have but he didn't. "You saved me back there Knight." Knight blushes laughing. "I didn't do anything stupid!" He pushes me away running out of the kitchen. "Knight wait up!" I try to run after him but these god damn heels are a pain to run in, i lost Knight there are a lot of people here not just people but different kinds of creatures I've read in folklore, I see Knight's red hair in the crowd, I grab his hand but it wasn't Knight, the red haired creature looks at me dumbfound, he has gills and point ears and fins he's so shiny his scales sparkle when they their hit by the light in the room. "Can i eat you?" I didnt quite catch that. He takes my hand looking into my eyes, his eyes are also red so beautiful, my head feels fuzzy, he pulls my chin closer to him, I can't move my body, what's happening! "Yunie!" Before the creature could kiss me Knight pulls me away from him hissing at him. "You damn siren what the hell are you doing here!" The red hair guy stoically looks at Knight. "I was invited." Knight wraps his tail around me protectively. "The hell with that, what the hell were you trying to do to Yunie!?" He looks over at me with no emotion in his eyes. "I was going to eat her." Knights eyes change into slits. "Seriously you never change Saji!" He doesn't show any emotion only shaking his head. "I've changed but I still want to eat her." I'm so terrified I could scream. "You don't understand she bumped into me I think she's super tasty." I fear for my life and hold on to Knight shaking, I don't want to get eaten! "Saji quick scaring the poor girl." Ruin walks in. "You know that's not how you say kiss." I blush like crazy, he wanted to kiss me! "I want to eat her." Ruin chuckles petting the emotionless fish man. "He means kiss not eat he's english is not that good when it comes to girls." Knight clicks his tongue. "Saji your so stupid never changed!" Knight storms off the leaving me and Saji and Ruin alone. "Geez that guys got a temper." Saji only nods and looks over to me with his emotionless eyes. "Saji give it up she's only interested in Naga's." Ruin sticks out his snake tongue at me, im not interested in anyone let alone creepy creatures guys! Ruin laughs pushing me and Saji together that our noses are touching. "If you kiss him he can give you magical powers!" No i bearly know the guy! "Ruin this isn't funny!" I try to get out his grip but slip and fall on top of Saji accidentally kissing him on the cheek, he blinks up at me then everyone around us starts clapping. "Aww how adorable you got your first kiss Saji." Saji blushes but doesn't show any emotion. "Ugh your a jerk Ruin!" Saji helps me up petting me head, geez what is with this guy? "There, there." Is he trying to cheer me up? Ruin starts laughing like a maniac. "How adorable I can't take it!" Saji grabs my arm dragging me away from Ruin as he keeps laughing, he brings me into the ballroom. "Safe here." He smiles showing his sharp teeth, they look like shark teeth! "Dance with me?" He offers me his hand but we're alone here, it starts playing a soft waltz,I hesitate but I take his hand and he starts moving swiftly almost like we're swimming, more people start dancing with us but Saji seems to have taken the dance floor, this isn't so bad and Saji doesnt seem like a bad guy either, this is fun, the music stops and everyone stares at me and backs away expect for Saji, what is going on? The lights go off but then I'm caught into someone's coils I'm hanging upside down I have to hold my skirt down from everyone seeing my panties, the lights come back and I see miss Valentine and Her two brothers Austin and Seth, Miss Valentine is the one holding me, she hisses angrily at me "Everyone it's time to eat!" All the creatures start cheering, wait you mean me!? "We're going to be having fresh human tonight!" No i don't want be eaten! Wait where's Saji. I look around not seeing him but Ruin is there grinning waving at me. "Ruin help me!" He chuckles winking at me. "We'll see." He laughs maniacally. How did this night become like this someone help me anyone please!

Hey guys thanks so much for all the votes and comments and as I promised my new chapter thank you so much!

What's going to happen to Yunie will she be eaten by the Bloodthirsty or is Ruin going to save her?

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