Don't Kiss Me.

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Im sitting in the kitchen eating a live mouse,I'm so tired of all this, I hold the mouse in my hand as it screeches for dear life, reminds me of Yunie, sighing to myself I drop the mouse it runs away into a hole. Saji is such an idiot how the hell can you mistaken eat for kiss, he wanted to kiss her, Kiss Yunie huh, I try to image what it would be like to kiss her, what the hell am i thinking she's a-  "Yunie's in trouble." I jump from my seat seeing Saji's emotionless face in front of me. "Dude what the hell don't-" He puts his fins on my face, Ugh he smells like fish well he is a fish but I didn't think he would stink this bad. "Yunie's going to be eaten by the Bloodthirsty's." Say what! I run out of the kitchen heading to the ballroom there's so many guests it's so crowded, I see Yunie hanging upside down by the Bloodthirsty, Yunie I'll save you. "Well Yunie is going to die." I turn around and see Ruin behind me. "Why didn't you do anything!?" Ruin chuckles pointing at the crowd. "Don't want to ruine the fun." Seriously Ruin your a fucking sociopath. "I'm going to save her myself!" Ruin grabs my arm stopping me. "Really can you actually save her with everyone there waiting to eat her your out numbered." He's right am i going to do, Yunie...

Why is this happening to me, all I ever wanted was to be free from that house and Sato but why did I end up being dinner for all these creatures, I just realized there isn't any humans but all monsters in disguises, you can't trust anyone, I thought I was getting along well with everyone a little bit, Hugo seems to like me, Theodore reminds me of a big brother, Kain is a great chef. I love his cooking, Gillter is fun to talk to, Ruin is mysterious, and Knight. Knight is..."I get first bites of this human girl!" Lost in thought I forgot I'm about to get eaten! Ruin is just standing there watching as miss Valentine brings me closer to her giant gapping mouth, I didn't know snakes can become any uglier when there hungry. "Ruin please help me!" I look back and he was gone, tears start to fall, I whimper. So this is the end of my life being eaten by a snake Sato did say I will end up like this one day, he was right I did, closing my eyes for my demise, the last thing I think about is Knight I never got to ask him if we can be friend's and live happily together with everyone, I want to see him one last time. "Yunie!" I open my eyes seeing Knight, he runs over to me wrapping his tail around me pulling me away from miss Valentine, I never thought I could be so comfortable in Knight's coils. "What is the meaning of this Knight!" Knight holds me protectively in his coils. "She's not your prey." Miss Valentine horns start to grow her teeth clinching. The brothers surround us. "She belongs to us now knight." "Just hand her over she's going to get cold." Knight hisses at them with his horns growing, he bites Austin in the shoulder blood splatters on my face, Austin screams in pain. "Yunie is not yours!" He looks over to me with serious eyes, wiping the blood from my cheek. "She's mine." I smile a little, Knight does care about me, my heart starts beating like crazy, he leans in I close my eyes, is he going to kiss me? "I'm sorry Yunie." I open my eyes seeing his eyes changed to slits opening his mouth wide and swallowing me whole! No no no! how could this happen!? "No!!!"

"What have you done!" Everyone looks over at me with shocked faces, Yunie starts to fight in my stomach, damn it she's going to give me cramps, I have to get out of here so I can spit her out or she'll run out of air. "She wasn't that good, humans always taste bad." Actually she was pretty tasty but then the after taste, Ugh I feel like throwing up. "You lair!" Miss Valentine starts grabbing my tail with her tail, seriously! "Let go of me!" I grab hers pushing it away from me like we're arm wrestling but with our tails. "Not until you cough up the human!" Not happening, I toss her to the side knocking over a bunch of tables, I slither out of there with her brothers right behind me. "Give it up!" "Give us the girl!" Yunie hang on, I stop then swing my tail at them, they dodge but i leap from the stairs slithering over to my room, I run as fast as I can closing the door gently locking it they slither past my door I sigh with relief, I hurry to the bathroom turning on the water filling the tub filling it with a body wash, once I cough her up I have to clean my venom off her, my body feels tense Yunie hasn't moved, I poke the side of my stomach to feel her, she's still not moving! I hack and gag trying so hard to spit her out but i can't do it she's to far into stomach, damn it! Feeling naseuse I stick my tail into my throat trying to grab her to pull her out, Ugh this is so gross I think I might puke and I did. I finally puked her out, she lands in the water her body limp and cold, she's covered in my saliva mixed with venom and my lunch, I quickly wash her using my hands and tail, she looks like a drowned rat, geez this is all my fault, "I should have stayed with her none of this would have happen if I-" Her breathing stopped, I panic taking her out of the bath tub, throwing her on my bed  "YUNIE!" I quickly start doing CPR on her pumping her chest wrapping my tail around her chest pushing more. "1.2.3.." Shes not responding damn it, I try again...nothing damn it Yunie don't die on me! Her face is turning white she feels so cold. "Damn it! Damn it Damn it Fuck!" I open her mouth, pressing mine on hers breathing air into her, pumping her chest, breathing into her again and again, nothing! "Yunie!" I shake her, slapping her face, tears start to fall from my eyes. "Please...dont die." I hug her close to my chest. "Yunie I'm sorry for being so cruel to you, please wake up please!" I feel someone's hand on my back, I turn around to see Saji, Saji is a mermaid he can save her! "Saji help me save Yunie!" Saji looks over at Yunie he nods taking Yunie from me, his whole body changes from red to blue, he sparkles like a gem. "I'm going to eat her so she can regain her color but it's up to you to get her breathing again, that means you have to eat her to and help her breathe until she can breathe on her own." I nod, he holds her head up then starts kissing her but I don't let me anger get to me, he's a mermaid they have healing propertys, Yunie starts getting her color back he quickly hands her to me, I kiss her holding her close, breathing inside her. Yunie I promise I'll protect you, Saji stares at me and Yunie, she starts coughing finally breathing on her own. "Thank Nag." I fall on my pillow feeling exhausted, Saji rests Yunie on the bed beside me. "Be sure to watch over her as she sleeps." Saji disappears into the puddle on the floor, Saji is such a weird fish. She's alive, I sigh with relief looking over at her sleeping face, her lips are so pink like frosting her skin is like snow, she's so beautiful. Leaning over her I caress her face, her hair feels so soft. "I'm sorry, I had to there wasn't any other way to get you away from miss Valentine." Yunie slowly opens her eyes, I lean in and slowly kiss her, she panics and punches me in the cheek, knocking me off the bed. "Don't Kiss me, you disgusting snake!" Yunie is really angry her eyes look like that of a demons. "Yunie i-" she throws my pillows at me. "You ate me, why!" I grab her hand with my tail gently wrapping her up. "I had no choice I had to do it to save you!" She looks away from me, crying. "I thought we could be friends, but I guess not." My heart sank to the deepest part of my stomach, i slowly let her go she gets up from the bed walking out of the room, closing the door. I stare at the door depressed trying so hard not to scream. "Yunie, im sorry!"
Ruin is right next to his Knight's room grinning evily. "Well this is interesting."

Poor Knight is he going to try and get Yunie back or is Ruin going take her as his prey?

Thanks so much everyone for waiting enjoy you guys are the best ^-^ <3

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