I Will Lick Your Tears Away

619 13 14

:Warning Vore and Gore:

Knight was having a panic attack from seeing Yunie get taken away again! He knew he made a mistake he regretted it. "Knight calm down will find her!" Hugo tries everything he can to calm down Knight but he keeps pacing in circles, Hugo is more worried about Jasper, he's badly hurt, Hugo never felt worried for someone other than his brothers and Yunie. "Jasper wake up i know you can hear me!" Hugo shakes him but he doesn't budge meanwhile Knight can't seem to calm down, he's making streaks on the floor from his scales. "Hugo what do i do everything i said to her i literally broke up with her!" Hugo sighs annoyed still looking at Jasper, he was angry that they were tricked by a Kitsune and Yunie was stupid not to realize that it was all fake. "Let's go." Hugo picks up Jasper with his tail walking into the endless hallway. "Wait up!" Knight stumbles behind him. Meanwhile Yunie is still being carried by Gerard he listened to her and put on some pants he found...well stolen. "Anyway Yunie whats a human girl like you doing here?" Gerard was getting irritated with her silence maybe he can break the ice by asking how she got here. "The Kitsune is my ex husband." His eyes widen and makes a grunting noise under his throat. "Oh." Him being a Dragon well Dragonewt its not easy not getting angry at every little thing. "I live with a bunch of Naga's the Slithersons." Once again Gerard's eyes widen with shock. The Slithersons brothers surprised they haven't eaten her yet! "So you know Hugo and Theodor?" Now it's Yunie's turn to be shocked. "You know Hugo?" Gerard looks away from her embarrassed. "Yeah we're family well Lord Nagesai is their grandfather, Hugo is his favorite grandson." Yunie wasn't sure how to take in the information, they never told her about their family's or where they came from. "Anyway it's nothing important right now we have to-" Gerard's long ears perk up looking behind him seeing Kitsune maids holding a cattle rod. "Master Toku ordered us to stop anyone that tries to escape." Gerard only smirks and puts Yunie down gently. "Interesting, i haven't had anything to eat for the last couple of months, i wonder what a fox would taste like?" The Kitsune maids tremble in fear, Gerard found it amusing his stomach was growling for something to eat, he could've eaten Yunie but he stopped himself before he did, Gerard grunts thinking about Yunie's flavor, Gerard gets closer. "Get back!" The Kitsune maids jab him with the rod but it doesn't do anything, his Dragon scales are as hard as steel and his claws can cut through anything, Gerard shows his long tongue dripping maul, the maids tremble like little puppies. "What's wrong, you thought a little toy like this could hurt me?" Gerard bites the rod crunching it with his teeth and swallows, Yunie was disgusted. The Kitsune maids start running away, Gerard wanted to chase them but went back over to Yunie. "You didn't eat them?" She questioned, he smiles sweetly. "Of course not love, i lost my appetite." He lied and looked away from her, she had a very strong scent, Gerard really didn't want to hurt Yunie, he couldn't get her flavor out of his head. "Gerard?" He shakes his head when he heard her voice and smiles again. "I'm fine let's go before they come back." He takes her hand and was amazed of how small it is in his. "Let's go." He takes her further into the hallway, it was like a walking maze and Gerard was becoming irritated, he couldn't smell anything not a single scent only Yunie's. "I think we're lost." She spoke up and Gerard growls under his breath. "I think you're right." He agrees with her but he's not about to give up, he opens a door and inside was a dark room, Gerard can smell something's down there. "Gerard? Are we going in?" Gerard nods and takes her hand close to him, he can smell it wasn't pleasant, Yunie couldn't see anything but felt safe with Gerard there, the door slams shut. "Damn it! It was a trap!" Gerard holds her close to protect her something was stalking them in the dark, Yunie felt something wrap around her and drag her away. "Gerard!" She screams. "Yunie!" Gerard can't see, this wasn't normal darkness, it was like a fog. "Gerard!" He blows fire finally able to see but sees you hanging upside down by a giant tail, he follows to were the tail belongs and his eyes widen with fear. A Naga the size of a house, it didn't look like a normal Naga it didn't have human hands or hair, it was more reptilian then Naga, bones of hundreds of animals and humans laid on the ground near it, Gerard was terrified. "Let her go!" It hisses at Gerard and quickly swallows Yunie whole, she falls all the way down his stomach, this is the second time she's been eaten, she starts screaming seeing all the things the Naga ate not even half of it was fully digested, this Naga ate a house and a bunch of farm animals, horses, cows and pigs even people, what was this monster doing in a place like this!? his stomach acids were burning through her clothes and her skin, she starts freaking out and looks around and finds a piece of wood from the house tearing apart. She stands on top of it, what was she going to do the stomach acid quickly burning through the wood and her clothes.

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