My Date With Ruin?

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Theodore stares at Ruin then at Knight. "Seriously it's 6 in the fucking morning, i have work in 2 hours and all i hear is you stupid Nags fighting over Yunie again!" Knight tries speak up but Theodore uses his tail to shut him up. "Shut up i dont want to hear your excuses and you!" He looks over Felix with fury in his eyes. "You are not allowed to be anywhere near Yunie your done." Theodore walks out of the room pissed off leaving a confused Felix, he follows Theodore, while Ruin puts his arm around my shoulder. "I'm so glad your ok." Knight glares at him and then softens his eyes when he looks at me. "Yunie i want you to have a good time ok." Knight caresses my cheek making me blush, his hands feel so rough. "Don't let him do anything to you if he does, he's dead." Knight walks away and Ruin grabs my hand and pulls me toward him. "We should get going now Yunie onword to the amusement park!" Ruin excitedly leads me into the car where one of the servants Naga smiles at me. "Ready miss?" He asked me and Ruin opens the door for me, he sits next to me holding my hand, i wonder why he's being to generous all of sudden?

Naga I'm exhausted sleeping in this house is a fucking hassle, I'm heading over to my room when i see Ruin walking with Glitter wait but where's Yunie? "Hey Ruin aren't you supposed to get Yunie to the amusement park?" He looks at me confused and so does Glitter. "What are you talking about, me and Glitter are about to visit her, i haven't seen her since she got back from the Bloodthirsty's." My eyes widened shocked, i could've sworn i saw Yunie leaving with Ruin, just when i suspected something Saji comes running over to us with Hugo with him. "Yunie is in danger that wasn't Ruin!" Saji tells us looking over to Ruin. "We know that already." Ruin tells him and Glitter is worried. "Poor Yunie everyone seems to be after her." No shit, Hugo's horns grow out and he's pissed, he glares at me than Ruin. "Damn it, why didn't you stay with her Knight Nag fucking damn it!" He runs out the door and Saji follows behind him. "It's not my fucking fault!" I run after them and their already in the car, i haven't used this in years, my old motorcycle stands in front of me, i hop on it and like a roaring storm i race after them. "Yunie you better be ok damn it, I'll kill that son of bitch!"

We finally made it to this huge park it was super packed and everyone was wearing a costume, a bunch of girls staring at Ruin talking amongst each other. "Omg that guy is so hot." "Is that his girlfriend?" "No way she's more like his sister." Oh great it's high school all over again when the girls at school thought Sato was my boyfriend, i was bullied by them for the whole school year. "Hey Yunie." I turn to Ruin and he pecks my lips glaring at the girls, why did he do that!? "Your way cuter then these ugly walking skins." His eyes turned into slits The girls scream and crying running away from us, Ruin is seriously acting weird, i can still feel his lips on mine which makes me blush. "Come Yunie let's go on one of these rides." Ruin takes my hand and leads me to a roller coaster ride, i really don't like roller coasters. "Ruin i don't think-" Ruin cuts me off and sits me down and puts the seat belt around me tight. "I can tell your scared, you've always been scared of rollercoasters." He whispers in my ear as he finshes putting my seat belt on. "I'm not scared wait how did you know that!?." I look him shocked and he chuckles holding my hand. "It's ok to be scared, i won't let go of you." He smiles gently at me, my heart feels like its about to burst, Ruin is acting very sweet today. "Hold on tight Yunie!" I was so lost in thought about him that i didn't see we were really high from the ground. "Ruin!" I screamed as the roller coaster went down, Ruin is laughing and having a blast, i just want this to end, loop after loop make it stop!

I'm throwing up buckets of puke and Ruin is patting my back chuckling. "You should have told me you don't like rollercoasters." I glare at him, is he serious! "Hey you about done we need to get to- "Ruin looks around and his eyes turn into slits. "Shit." He takes my hand and pulls me over to the hunted house. "Ruin why are we running?" He doesn't say anything and hides me against the wall with his body, i never noticed how muscular he was his arms are wrapped around my shoulders. "Yunie!" That was Hugo's voice, i can hear it outside the hunted house. "That was Hugo lets go say-" Ruin cuts me off with his hand on my lips. "Shh you wouldn't want him to ruin our date would you." He smirks at me showing his sharp teeth, my  face feels hot from his hand, oh wow Ruin is seriously sexy my heart can't take it, he lets me go then takes my hand again leading me to the hall of mirrors, i can see myself through all the mirrors but why are we running? "Yunie where are you!" That was Knight's voice this time. "Damn it theses Naga's." Ruin whispers to himself, we run out of the hall of mirrors and it's even more crowded. "Yunie!" Saji spots us and Hugo then Knight, but Ruin pulls me roughly away. "Yunie!!" Knight tries to catch up to us but Ruin takes me to the farriswheel this time a couple was about to get in but he pushes them away and closes the door and the ride starts moving, he stares down seeing Knight and Hugo stare up at us. "Yunie, I've been found." What is he talking about? His tail comes out but it's not black it's green and he wraps it around my waist bringing me closer to him. "Yunie I've missed you so much my little sister." His slips off the wig and takes off a fake skin mask, my eyes widened shock to see who was behind the mask. "Sato?" He smiles at me tightening around me bringing his face closer. "I'm so sorry my sweet little Yunie." He caresses my cheek, im so dumbfound that my brother I've known for years is a Naga. "I can't believe i found you again!" He hugs me crying. "I just wanted to keep you but mother sent you away no she sold you to these monsters." Sato starts shaking he holds me even closer wrapping his coils around us. "I'm also a monster, i hate myself being this way, i wanted to keep you away from mother but she hated you cuz you were your real mother's daughter." Wait what is he saying? "Mother isn't my real mother?" He looks at me with tears streaming down his face but he has a psychotic look in his eyes. "No your not we're not blood so i killed her." He bites into my neck making me scream. "It will all be over Yunie you'll be with me forever." No i don't want to die, he starts sucking up my blood but then Knight breaks into the door, glass shattered everywhere the cart stops and Knight hisses angrily looking at me my blood spilling to the floor. "Let her go Sato!" Sato hisses at him and holds me closer still has his fangs on my neck. "I'm not letting you have her Naga." Knight jumps into the cart with his tail sticking out his horn are visible and their are people looking up at the ride taking pictures with their phones. "Aren't you afraid you'll be exposed?" Knight huffs and  tries to grab me. "The fuck do i care about these humans, i only care about one human." He grabs me and pulls me roughly away from Sato but Sato bites Knight's tail, Sato climbs out of the cart and jumps onto the railing with me wrapped around his tail up in the air the wind is strong, if he lets  me go i could die from this height no definitely, definitely die. "Really your going to be stupid, you can't run away." Sato looks around holds me up even higher Knight is horrified. "Your actually planning to kill her!" Sato laughs like a maniac. "My Yunie, she's always been mine now you monster's tainted her, Yunie will forever be mine!" The harsh wind knocks them over and me along with them Sato's tail slips off me and I'm falling. "YUNIE!!!!!" People gasp from below Knight jumps off the rails and grabs me with his tail, the both of us falling. "Knight!" He squeezes me tightly as we fall. "Yunie I love you, I'll never let anyone take you away from me again!" Every is in slow motion Sato looks at us horrified "What as he done Yunie!" Hugo and Saji are with the cowards staring as we fall. "Yunie I'll protect you with my life no everything my body heart and soul Yunie i love you we all love you!" Knight's words stab me right in the heart, i don't want to die please don't let us die! We're to hit the ground when Knight wraps his whole body around me like a cushion there was a deafening sound with only a loud ringing with everything turning black. "Yunie I love you." I Kept hearing Knight's voice over and over again. "Yunie i love you more than anything please wake up!" "Don't leave me please Yunie i love you wake!" I open my eyes slowly it's super blurry with rain raining down on us, i hear an ambulance and people running and screaming Knight is holding me in his arms his body is completely covered blood, Hugo and Saji are there crying but I look up and see Knight's eyes are blank. "Knight?" No response he's not moving. "Knight!" I shake him but Hugo stops me. "Yunie he's-" No he can't die! "Knight please dont die you can't die no please Knight!" I refused to let him go but Hugo pulls me away from him, i fight him off. "Let me go Knight is not dead, he can't die he can't!" Hugo takes me away as Naga servants take Knight away in an ambulance "KNIGHT!!!!"

Vampy: Oh no Sato's back but what's going to happen with Yunie and Knight now that their exposed people will seriously panic.

Thank you all so much for voting my stories everyone i hope you all enjoy my Naga boys their very happy for all your support see you in the next chapter. ^_^

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