Time To Let Go

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Darkness that's all i see no sign of Yunie anywhere, i hope she's alive. "Oh she's alive and so are you." I hear a voice but i see no face, i can't speak what is happening. "My name is Nagesai, the first Naga to ever exist." How can that be you lived for over 2 thousand years you even created the Hotel for Naga's that Theodore runs. "Yes i am dead but i live in all Naga's but your not ready to die are you?" No I'm ready to die i want to spend every moment i can with her. "Oh but she's human?" I don't care she's human i love her. "What if you can go back to her but at a price." What do you want? "Your memory of this human every last bit, your love for her everything." My memory of Yunie? "That's right, you can go back just give me all of your love for this human girl." Yunie i love her more then my own life, I'll do anything for her i want to see her again! "Do we have a deal?" Yes even if you take away my memory i will love her all over again. "Whatever you say, Knight." I give him my memory every moment i spent with her is being ripped away from me my first kiss with her, the fights we had the sleepless night's we spend together everything and the last memory of her as we fall from the Farriswheel she was so beautiful her eyesl lit up when she saw me i love you Yunie, let me keep at least a little bit of her in my memory just a little. "Knight." Yunie's voice everything is leaving me Yunie I'm sorry i promise I'll make new memories with you. "Yunie."

I'm sitting by the bed where Knight is, he's been in a coma for five months but i never left his side, he saved my life and i would always visit him in his room talking to him everyday waiting for him to wake up and when he does I'll give him a hug and thank him for saving me. "Yunie you in here?" Theodore walks in holding a plate of cookies, he smiles sweetly seeing how i take care of Knight, ever since Knight got like this i became one of the Naga's everyone respects me here, i studied how to interact with them and thier living habits still can't stand how they have to eat live animals but they always treated me like one of them, Hugo takes care of me and we play video games together he acts like a protective brother, Kain teaches me how to cook for Naga's i can't really cook big food like he does and mostly the food he cooks is alive and kicking but he always makes me my favorite pancakes, Glitter loves to dress me up and model his dresses model for him, hes an amazing designer i wish i can make dresses like hin, Ruin really loves to read books and we sometimes read together and have a little bit of a book club, he's a little bit of psycho when we read mystery books together, Saji teaches me how to swim and shows me how to use serpent magic, i thought he was a mermaid but he's a sea serpent and he healed all of Knight's fatal wounds, he still cant speak properly. Felix has been keeping his distance from me but i smile and wave at him from time to time, Theodore has become my boss working for the house as being a hostess for the Nagesai Hotel, apparently he was the first Naga to ever exist and he created this Hotel for all Naga's can relax away from people. "Thank you." He places the plate on the nightstand and sits next to me. "Dont worry he'll wake up soon i can sense it." He pets my head and treats me like a child but i dont mind he's like a big brother to me. "Thanks i know he will." Theodore smiles and leaves the room, i pet Knight's scales they feel so soft, Naga's need extra care with their scales and have to have a heating pad with them, i have one under Knight cuz he's still in his Naga form his tail is curled up in front of the bed, i wash it and polish it everyday, Theodore seems happy that i take really good care of him, i lay my head against his chest listening to his soft heart beat. "Please awake up soon Knight i miss you." I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Nag my head is killing me what the hell is so heavy on my chest, i see a woman I've never seen before but her scent is that of human and a little bit of a Naga. "Human get off me." She slowly gets up and stares at me shocked and tears start to stream down her face. "Knight!" "Ahhh!" She tackles me to the bed hugging me crying and laughing at the same time, she's a weird one. "Knight your awake your finally awake!" How does she know my name who is this human girl? I wrap my coils around her and left her off me. "Stop hugging me human." She's even more shocked and cries again. "Knight it's me Yunie." She tells me as she hugs my tail. "I don't know any human named Yunie, now let go of my tail." She starts crying even more squeezing my tail. "How can you not remember me." Remember you? "I've never seen you before in my life your scent is making me nauseous now let go." She slowly let's go of my tail and starts crying into her hands this time, geez is she some kinda of water fountain. "Yunie I need you to file these for-" My brother Theodore comes in and sees the human girl named Yunie crying her eyes out. "Knight your awake." He looks like he's about to cry, what is up with everyone crying. "Yeah i am, was i dead? Who's this human girl do you know her?" Theodore is shocked by what i said the human girl whipes her tears and smiles sadly at me, what is up with this chick? "That human girl is Yunie, you risked your life to save her and ended up in a coma for 5 months, she took care of you even polished your scales everyday." I did notice my scales are super shiny and soft, but i can't remember this Yunie person at all, might as well thank her. "Is that so well thank you human Yunie." I tell her, she smiles softly with little tears in her eyes. "Your welcome Knight." She is kinda cute but her scent is sickening, i get off the bed and my stomach growls like a roaring lion, i can sure eat one right now. "Oh you must be hungry, Kain had this boar for you when you wake up." She lifts off a blanket from a cage and there's a humongous boar in there squealing and running around scared , that should definitely satisfy my hunger. "My compliments to the chef." I take the boar and swallow it whole it kicks and squeals making me purr with delight, the human Yunie smiles watching me, strange i thought humans freak out when snakes eat their meals like that, her scent changed she smells sweeter now. "Why do you smell like a Naga?" I tell her and she smiles again, what a stupid face she's making. "Oh im always around everyone here and i work with Naga's to." A human who's not a afraid of Naga's how strange. "Human Yunie, i thank you for all that you've done but you need to leave my room." She nods and leaves the room  leaveing me alone with Theodore. "You have forgotten Yunie!" He tells me withnc an irritated voice. "Forgetten I don't even know her one bit, she's new to me!" He glares at me with his slits. "Yunie has been consistently taking care of you, she nearly died but you saved her when she fell from a Farriswheel how can you forget about her!?" How the hell am i supposed to know, i don't remember her at all! "Fuck this, I'm out of here." I slither out of my room and see the human Yunie there. "I don't know you and i never will, leave me alone." I leave her with that and slither out the door. "I hate humans." I say to myself enough for her to hear. She falls to the ground crying more. "Fucking Cry baby."

Vampy: Knight is awake but doesn't remember Yunie, who is this Nagesai person where did he come? how is Yunie going to deal with the forgetful Knight, found out in the next chapter thank you ^_^

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