Waking Up To My New Husband.

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"Good Morning my little serpent." I wake up to Prince Orochi smiling up above me kissing my forehead over and over. "Good morning." I tell him smiling cheerfully wiping the sleep from my eyes, Theodore knocks on the door and opens it and we're both completely naked. "Oh forgive me, it's time for breakfast!" His face was completely red and slams the door shut, Orochi laughs as he gets up from the bed getting dressed, i do the same but he grabs me bringing me closer to him kissing me passionately, this feels right i know it does, I'm super happy to be with the Prince. "I'm starving let's go eat do you eat like Naga's do?" He asks me curious as we get out the door and head to the kitchen. "No we don't but Kain always cooks my favorite foods for me." He smiles and intertwines our hands which makes me blush. "I would love to taste Yunie's cooking." He kisses my cheek making me blush even more. "I'm not that great of a cook Prince Orochi." He stands in front of me circling me. "Please call me by my real name Nagesai after my grandfather." He then wraps around me hugging me with his coils his face was close to mine, i giggle kissing his nose and he blushes from the tip of his ears. "Alright Nagesai." He lets me go and we walk together to the kitchen. "You strike me like a viper." He laughs carrying me bridle style. "But i have you in my grasp like a python." I blush so hard my cheeks are hurting. "Put me down Nagesai!" He doesn't listen and laughs even harder, i can't help but laugh with him, banging on his chest to put me down.

We finally made it to the kitchen and everyone was there eating their live animals like the Naga's they are. "Yunie i have your favorite pancakes ready." Kain sets my mountain of pancakes on the counter for me, I'm so excited i get my fork and knife ready. "Yunie's favorite im interested." Nagesai takes a bite of my pancakes and his tail sways back and forth with excitement. "Delicious its so soft and fluffy like eating a bunny." I pout as i continue to eat my pancakes, all the brothers laugh except for Knight, he just glares at me and Nagesai. "My follow Naga's I am greatful for you all to take care of my wonderful wife, she is in good coils now." Kain places a plate of a live Panda, i don't complain i know their endangered but it's what my husband eats. "Excellent you had my attends fetched you my favorite meal." I try not to look away as he swallows the poor panda whole, he purrs as the Panda fights in his stomach and slowly stops. "Delicious, I'm so proud of my wife to watch as i eat." He kisses me gently and every awes expect for Knight, he thinks its disgusting and gets up. "Excuse me before I puke." He leaves and everyone is confuse and i wish i knew what his problem was. "Yunie my love ignore that worm, he doesn't understand us." He takes my hand and pulls me out of the kitchen. "Excuse us." He tells everyone, Ruin, Glitter Hugo talk amongst eachother. "Yunie is so cute when she's happy." Glitter chuckles. "Yeah Knight might be jealous of them and impressed that the royal Naga fell in love with Yunie." Ruin laughs swallowing a rabbit. "Yunie is really happy, i can feel it even though my essence in her is gone but I'm happy she found someone who loves her." Hugo smiles staring at his cup of coffee. "This actually really great Yunie married to the Naga king she will forever be happy." Everyone nods. "And once they mate she will become a beautiful Naga, one that will love all Naga's." Theodore joins the conversation, they all nod and laugh as they talk about other things.

I've decided to introduce Nagesai to Saji, Saji can only get out of the water on certain days but his room is the pool with a bed and a waterproof tv, Nagesai seemed intrested of where im leading him. "Where are we heading Yunie?" He chuckles excited and i smile as i open the door to the indoor pool, there was Saji swimming about, he spots us and rushes to us. "Yunie you came to visit, who's this Naga?" He asks as he inches closer to Nagesai, he smiles holding out soaked hand, Nagesai took it without complaint. "Pleasure I'm known as Orochi but you may call me Nagesai." It makes me so happy that Nagesai is so nice to my aquatic friend. "I am called Saji nice to eat you." Nagesai is confuse and i giggle. "He means meet you, his speech isn't that good." Nagesai laughs and takes off his shirt, god he is so sexy, i am so lucky to have a husband like him.

"Well i can go for a swim, Saji up for a race?" Saji jumps from the water like a dolphin and im guessing that's a yes

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"Well i can go for a swim, Saji up for a race?" Saji jumps from the water like a dolphin and im guessing that's a yes. "Yunie if i win you have to treat me to your delicious cooking." He winks at me and i can't help but blush, he jumps into the water and i watch as both of them swim around almost like synchronized swimming, then the race begins and their both evenly matched but Nagesai makes it first and Saji was shocked and Nagesai comes up from the water looking up at me with serious eyes, i was confused and leaned in further big mistake Nagesai grabbed me and pulled me into the water, i hold my breath but he kisses me helping me breathe, his kiss felt hot and sweet at the same time, he holds me close and uses his tail keep us underwater, its was like we were dancing staring into eachother eyes, Saji smiles and but then cocks his head staring at Nagesai's eyes they were empty, Saji shakes his head ignoring it and disappears into seafoam leaving us alone, Nagesai took this opportunity to bring us back to the surface, I'm panting like crazy and he's chuckling patting my back. "There there my dearest." He's so sweet to me, he carries me bridle style away from the pool, i feel sleepy as he's carries like this, he sees this and plants a kiss on my forehead and slams my room door shut, Nagesai kisses me as we're inside my room. "Nagesai mm!" He shuts me up, kissing me even harder. "Yunie forgive me, i can't control myself with your body soaked like this."

What's with all the noise? "You like that don't cha my little serpent." I hear moaning and giggling from next door, ugh so goss. "No not there ahh stop ahh!" The moaning gets louder. "You know you love it, my slicky tail pumping in and out of you." I can't take this anymore and why is my heart hurting so much, this doesn't make sense, the moaning continues for a about 15 minutes and finally they finished. "I'm going to go shower ok, be back in a bit." Yunie walks away and Nagesai is alone, he looks through his phone and calls a number, i listen to him talk to his phone"Hey it's me, yeah she's cute, but now she's ours, everyone here has no idea that I'm not the real Prince all disgusting Naga's they make me want to throw up, yeah she's very attractive i actually want to keep her for myself." I cannot believe what i am hearing, he's a fake and played my bothers and...Yunie, i continue hearing his conversation. "She's Jasper's mate i don't think so, i don't smell him on her at all, she just smells like a human Naga, these Naga's ruined her human scent, fuck these Naga's." He transforms into his original form. "What the hell!?"

Vampy: Oh no who is Nagesai what are they planning to do to Yunie, Knight knows what he is will he be able to save Yunie find out in the next chapter ^_^

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