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Marinette's P.O.V

Everything was simple.

Well, as simple as it would get.

I have my friends, crush, partner, Tikki, the bakery, fashion, and my parents. I wouldn't trade the world for anything better than what I already have.

My life was going great with the occasional drama from Chloe or some crazy excuse to go save the day from akumas. I love being Ladybug and keeping Paris safe from the evil villains created by the notorious Hawkmoth. Sure, things could sometimes get out of hand, but it isn't too much of a job without my partner in crime, Chat Noir.

Everything was perfect and life couldn't get any better, until... it didn't and things became harder. Something was so off, something was just very...wrong.

It all started when I was helping my mom in the kitchen. We were making some macaroons for a customer when something fell, making a loud clanging noise.

I quickly turned to the source to see maman leaning heavily on the counter and bending down to pick up a pan. I could see her body trembling as she set the pan down on the counter and knew something wasn't right.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried and stepped closer in case she needed help. Maman faced me and a small smile graced her lips while saying," Your mother is a tough girl, sweetie. I'm fine."

My worry only grew once seeing her skin as pale as a sheet of paper and the sparkle in her eyes weakening...fading away. She almost resembled a flower wilting away because of the bitter cold but tries to survive the chilling temperature anyway.

She turned and continued to work as I kept my gaze on her a little while longer before returning to my work. It frightened me with the many thoughts in my wild imagination going crazy with theories. It scares me because I knew...she was lying to me.

After the incident and almost completely forgetting about it, I moved on from it thinking that I was just paranoid.

It didn't seem like anything changed as my life continued in school the same as it did every day. Rushing to school and arriving late, talking with Alya before class started, glanced up at the back of Adrien's head every once in a while, and went home for lunch.

One day, I was about to leave when noticing papa working in the kitchen all alone.

"Where's maman?" I asked, eyes searching for my missing mother. Papa stopped what he was doing and nervously looked over at me, scratching the nape of his neck. He sometimes glanced at different things while answering," She didn't get much sleep last night, so...I'm letting her sleep in a little longer."

Not thinking much of it, I continued to school while eating my breakfast, a croissant.

When I came back, the bakery was locked up and closed for the day when returning home for lunch. I didn't find this any way strange since my parents usually had to close to deliver big orders. So, I grabbed the spare key and entered my quiet, sweet smelling home then went to my room.

"Here, Tikki," I said, handing my Kwami a cookie. Tikki gladly took the treat and began to happily eat the treat. I smiled and grabbed something from the fridge before not too long, the phone rang. I grabbed the phone and checked the number quickly recognizing papa's phone number. I answered it, not thinking much of the call that awaits me.

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