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Marinette's P.O.V

I surprisingly woke up early the next day and readied myself for school.

I didn't know where this inner determination came from, but I felt prepared for the day, ready to take on anything that life was willing to throw. My smile from last night never faded and the spark thought to cease igniting turned into a small flame, lighting the darkness that consumed me these past few weeks.

Making my way downstairs, I spotted papa in the kitchen flipping pancakes and cooking scrambled eggs.

"Morning, papa," I greeted, walking over and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning, Marinette. I made breakfast for us if you are not in a rush to get to school," he said, flipping the golden-brown food.

"Shouldn't you be opening the bakery and preparing desserts?" I asked, concerned that he would fall behind in his duties. Papa chuckled and ruffled my hair a bit.

"I'm glad you're concerned but don't worry. The bakery doesn't open for another hour, there aren't very many orders, or pastries to make to restock the shelves or sell. It's just one of those non-busy days the bakery gets sometimes," he reassured me with a giant smile. Sometimes, papa reminds me of a big cuddly bear.

I smiled and placed my bag down on the floor next to the table. Papa handed me a plate of eggs, pancakes and bacon. My mouth watered at the sight as we sat down then dug into the food.

"Thank you for making this. I never knew you could make anything else except desserts," I teased. Papa gave me a "hurt" look, placing his hand over his heart "offended."

"I happen to be excellent in many different food categories than just desserts," Papa bragged, "such as breakfast."

"Oh really..." I smirked, taking a bite of my eggs, "Don't you have to include eggs in most of the things you bake."

"Well...yes, but-"

"I've also seen you put bacon on donuts a couple of times..."

"Well, customers can have some very odd taste buds-"

"...and let's not forget the pancakes," I finished, emphasizing "cakes" in pancakes.

I laughed at his defeated look but jumped and squealed, feeling something probing my side. Before I could escape the oncoming threat, papa grabbed me and started to tickle my sides. I struggled to try in getting out of his grasp and couldn't stop laughing, squealing every time he hit the sensitive spot of my armpit.

"Stop! I'm sorry!" I said between breathless laughter.

"Not until you admit that I am the winner," Papa chuckled, grinning from cheek to cheek.

"O-Okay! Okay! You win!" I gave in, admitting defeat. Papa finally stopped his attack on my sides, and I was able to catch my breath again. He held out a hand for me to grab with a warm, loving smile. It's been a long time since I've seen my dad smile like that.

I graciously took ahold of papa's hand, and he easily pulled me back up onto my feet. He handed over my school bag then gestured over to the door.

"I would hate to make you late for school since you were able to get up early. I should also start to open the bakery and make those orders," Papa said, opening the apartment door. I walked out the door but paused, turning around and giving him a hug. I felt his large hand rub the small of my back.

"Je t'aime, papa," I said then pulled back and made my way to school. I felt lighter as if a weight had finally been lifted from my shoulders and able to stand straight without dragging my feet. Things were looking up as proven to my early arrival at school.

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