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Sabrina's P.O.V

My mind and body were running on adrenaline at this point. I felt shaky and legs ached from running a long distance. I tried to follow the small cat's directions (and flinched when forgetting he was there). It was so hard to focus on everything that fell upon my shoulders just within a couple of minutes ago.

The most dangerous Akuma ever appears.

People being buried alive.

The school gets destroyed.

My arm gets hurt.

Chat is badly injured and there is no Ladybug in sight.



Now, I'm running to who knows where with said cat thing, its directions and the akumatized object!

Then, what? I don't know, but I highly doubt I'm going to like whatever it is.

"Are you listening, nerd?" the cat thing questioned. I shook my head out from my twister of thoughts.

"S-Sorry...w-what...did you...s-say?" I asked, out of breath. I could feel its eyes rolling.

"Turn here," he directed. I did as he told me until he told me to stop. I came to a halt and stood in front of some massage place. My sides hurt and sweat stuck to my forehead. My arm was throbbing and legs felt like jelly, shaking so much that I'm surprised that I was still standing.

"This is the place," Plagg informed, "He's inside, second door to the left."

I merely nodded, taking a moment to rest from running. Her skimpy legs weren't made for this kind of stuff but years with Chloe ordering her around helped her walk quite a few miles but never running.

Once I finally felt like I wasn't going to collapse to the ground, I straightened my body and walked inside the building. The Kwami thing whispered into my ear on what to do if there was someone else that was in the room with Master Fu.

I stood in front of the door then hesitated when opening the door. Inside, there was an old man that seemed to be in deep meditation. I stepped into the room and was going to try to coax him out of meditation without scaring him but was beaten to it.

"Master Fu! It's an emergency!" Plagg yelled, flying out of my hair and giving me a heart attack. The man calmly opened his eyes as if used to this rambunctious behavior. Yet, he seemed quite surprised to see me being here.

"Uh..." I began, shaking off my shyness, "I'm assuming you are Master Fu then?"

The old man smiled softly before standing up without a problem.

"And who might you be?" he asked, "Chat Noir must trust you enough to send Plagg with you and revealing his identity."

"I-I'm Sabrina, his classmate," I introduced before explaining why I was here, "He's in trouble right now, and Ladybug still hasn't shown up yet." Master Fu hummed in acknowledgment while stroking his beard in thought.

"That is a problem," he said then eyed the ribbon in my hand, "Is the akuma in there?"

"Yeah," I answered. Master Fu reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box with red markings.

"In this box is the miraculous of the ladybug earrings. Use these powers wisely and purify the akuma once it has been released," he explained. I stared at him in disbelief before grabbing the box from his hand and opening it. A sudden bright light appeared, making me jump back in fright and screeched a little bit.

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