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Marinette's P.O.V

I never thought I would see a day like this.

The day I finally admit to myself that I had fallen in love with my silly partner, Chat Noir.

The day I would reject his feelings and hurt both of us.

I couldn't be with him, not as Marinette or Ladybug.

My family and friends would be in mortal danger. My identity would be at a high risk of being discovered. My greatest strength would become my greatest weakness. He is my weakness. Someone to lean on and feel safe. Someone who has my back and never fails to cheer me up. My best friend...my partner...someone I love, but I can't be with.

I've never seen Chat look so pain-stricken or heard him go completely silent. He stared at me, both shock and fear filling his emerald eyes. His lips were turned upside down, something that just looked so wrong in so many ways. My heart tore at the sight of his ears drooping, his emotions quickly changing into sadness and confusion.

I had to look away. I had to stay strong. I couldn't give in to the temptation even though it was hard to do so. He cannot stay. He cannot be with me.

"W-What?" I heard him quietly ask, sadness sewed within his tone, "Marinette...why?" I bit down on the bottom of my lip and clenched my hands into fists. My eyes were screwed shut before forcing them open and looking up at Chat Noir in the eye.

"You can't come back here ever again. My identity is being put at risk if Hawkmoth finds out. I can't put my family and friends in danger again. A-and, I just..." my rambling soon trailed off, unable to say the last part.

"W-We can still be together as our superhero selves," Chat quickly said, but I shook my head "no."

"If Paris saw Ladybug acting differently when they already think that Marinette is with Chat Noir, someone might put two and two together..." I explained, feeling my soul become heavier when Chat bowed his head in defeat.

"I...I'm sorry, Chat. I-" I was stopped when he held up his hand for me to stop talking.

"I...I understand," Chat replied then turned around and grabbed his baton.

"Kitty..." I shakily called, almost unable to get the word passed my lips. I knew he heard me when his ears perked up a bit. Yet, he didn't turn around nor paused and vaulted off of my balcony. Just like that, he was gone.

The only thing that I could hear was not the sounds of the city, but my heart falling onto the ground and shattering. I numbly stared out into the city before going back into my bedroom. I sat on my bed and pulled my knees up to my chest, hazily staring at the pink wall across the room.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something out of place that didn't belong. I slowly shifted my dull gaze over at the object and forgot how to breathe. Within the mixture of my sheets, Chat's blanket stuck out with the unique design that I loved so much. I forgot to give it back to him.

I grabbed the soft blanket and wrapped it around my shoulders, pulling some of it up to cover my head like a hood. It smelled like fresh air, but there was also another faint scent that stood out the most. I could smell a hint of Chat's cologne that still clung to the blanket.

I buried my face into the blanket and closed my eyes, soaking in the warmth and comfort the blanket brought.

"Marinette, can you get me some-," Tikki paused, noticing something was wrong. I took in a couple of deep breaths to calm myself before lifting my head, a forced smile forming onto my face.

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