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Marinette's P.O.V

I began to fidget in my spot when Chat waited for me to come up with an answer. I really hated lying and making up excuses to my partner, but how else was I going to keep my identity a secret?

"I-I was..." I paused, quickly scanning the room for anything that could offer any help to lie. The first thing my gaze landed on blurted out of my mouth in one single breath.

"...practicing talking to my crush!"

Eyes widening, my hand clasped over my mouth and felt the heat rise to my cheeks. I glanced over at the one picture of Adrien that I left out and cursed in my mind.

I was mentally relieved that all the other posters and magazines were hidden away ever since Chat began visiting. Yet, out of everything in my room and excuse from some book, it had to be that one!

Chat's eyes glimmered with mischief. I could sense a hint of amusement lingering in the air. Embarrassment and nerves churned in my stomach as he pulled a Cheshire grin spread across his lips. He leaned forward until our faces were merely inches apart.

"My Princess has a crush. It better not be another black cat, or I might just get jealous," he joked. I groaned and pushed his face away from mine before turning, climbing down from the loft. I still couldn't believe I told Chat I had a crush. Now, he's just going to bother me even more to know who it is.

I sat at my desk and felt Chat's presence standing behind the chair.

"Are you going to tell me-ow, who stole the fair pruu -incess's heart?" Chat teased. I glared at him over my shoulder and huffed, "Not in any of your nine lives."

I turned back around and crossed my arms while the cat urged me to spill the beans. I stood from my seat and punched him in the shoulder with a smile. Then, he faked his hurt while I rolled my eyes and tried to contain my laughter.

I was about to offer him to play some video games when Chat's ears perked up and alert, green eyes darting to the trap door. That's when I heard heavy footsteps coming up the steps and instinct kicked in. I quickly reacted, shoving Chat into my closet.

I stepped away just as papa knocked on my door before pushing it open. He gave a weary smile, entering my room, and I stood in my spot nervous. I could feel sweat covering my hands and face hurt with how big my smile was.

"Hi, papa. Did you need anything?" I asked.

"I just came to tell you that the funeral will be held in a few days. I was thinking Friday would be a good day and don't worry about missing school. I called your principle and told him you won't be available that day," he informed, scratching the back of his neck.

As papa talked, my nervous smile melted into a small one and a bit of sorrow behind it, heart aching for when the day comes to see mama one last time.

My blood went a little cold imaging a speedy glimpse of mama with her eyes closed and laying in her eternal wooden bed. I felt sick and set my jaw just to hold the urge to throw up back.

"O-Okay" I replied, seeing papa giving me a worried look. It seemed like he wanted to say something but nodded and left the room. I sighed, feeling my nerves release into my body and making it tremble. I went to sit down on my chaise and wrapped my arms around myself, leaning down slightly.

I was too focused on the wooden floor, not noticing someone coming out of the closet and walking closer. I jumped a bit, shooting my head to see Chat with droopy ears and a frown encased on his face. Worry was drilled into his catlike silts, deep in thought. I forgot he was here for the moment and felt bad for shoving him inside my closet.

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