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Marinette's P.O.V

I stood petrified staring at my mask-less face and normal clothes instead of my red and black dotted suit. I didn't know how long nor did I care about having not moved or spoken. My mind was in denial, but my heart spoke the truth.

I felt so exposed. So confused. So scared.

Dizziness shot through my head as everything became one big blur. My chest began to hurt from my heart pounding on it so much. My stomach twisted and turned uncomfortably, a wave of sickness washing over.

How did it get so hard to breathe all of a sudden? Why can't...I...breathe?

"Marinette, you need to calm down. You're hyperventilating, slowly take some deep breaths."

My gaze finally snapped away from the mirror to meet with Chat Noir's face. I felt his hands squeeze my shoulders as a way of comfort. Yet, it did nothing to help me calm down.

I slipped out of his grasp and stumbled back until my back hit the wall. My head began to ache and the dizziness grew worse. My lungs pleaded for air as I continued breathing rapidly, feeling like I was drowning under water.

I feel so sick.

"Marinette," Chat's gentle voice spoke, sitting a mere inch away, "We are going to get through this together like we always do. Follow my lead and breathe in and out slowly." The cat demonstrated by taking a deep breath in, held it then let it go after a few seconds.

I watched carefully and tried to do the same.

Beads of sweat rolled down the side of my face but didn't pay attention to it, focusing on Chat and breathing properly. I boldly reached out and grasped his hand, afraid that he would leave if I were to let go. Chat returned to the gesture by firmly weaving our hands together.

Eventually, I calmed down and coughed a bit from that suffocating moment. A burning feeling rose up into my throat making me cover my mouth. I quickly stood and ran to the bathroom without a second thought. My head hovered over the uncovered toilet as I puked up dinner from earlier.

I felt someone hold my hair out of my face and gently rub my back.

I soon finished and flushed the contents down the toilet. A gloved hand held out a pink washrag, and I gladly took it, wiping any evidence of embarrassingly throwing up in front of my partner.

Weak and vulnerable Marinette. That's probably what he sees, not strong and courageous Ladybug.

He's probably looking at me in pity and disappointment. Who wants a clumsy, stuttering partner saving Paris? I couldn't even protect him since I got hit by the akuma and-

My thoughts came to an immediate halt and turned to see a still injured cat leaning on the bathroom counter. He was hiding his pain just to make sure I was fine. I truly am the worst partner for forgetting that my friend was still horribly hurt.

I stood up from the toilet and set the rag aside, keeping my full focus on Chat. The hero of destruction perked up at my sudden movement and cautiously watched in case anything else happened. I truly am a lucky girl to have such a caring partner...but that special bond is ruined.

"Let's finish patching up your injuries," I stated, taking his arm and wrapping it around my shoulders. He didn't fight or argue as I wrapped my arm around his waist and helped him out of the bathroom to my chaise.

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