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Adrien's P.O.V

"Remember those times you were totally blinded by your love for Ladybug that you never noticed that she was right under your nose this whole entire time," Plagg mentioned. We just arrived back from Marinette's place and got ready for bed. I crawled into my bed and pulled the sheets up to my chest.

"Yeah, I was pretty oblivious. I should have known that Marinette and Ladybug were one the same. She is an extraordinary person with or without a mask," I admitted, sheepishly.

"Then, you started to fall for Marinette after the funeral events. Yet, you were too stubborn to admit it until that one patrol where you ran into some sense, literally," my Kwami laughed, "That was the best patrol ever."

I reached up to my nose and rubbed it a bit, glaring at the small being. Then, a smirk appeared on my face.

"But, after patrol was even better when we visited Mari," I said, getting a gagging sound from Plagg. I could remember that night so clearly in my head and how it began.

"Adrien and his Princess sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G..." Plagg began to teasingly sing. Adrien scowled at his mischievous Kwami who snickered and continued.

"...first comes love..."

"Plagg," I warned

"...then comes marriage..."

"Plagg," I said, sternly at the magical creature.

"...then comes baby in a baby carriage!" Plagg finished before cackling. I rolled my eyes and blushed a little in embarrassment before returning to my homework. Plagg had been teasing me ever since the early dawn and grew quite annoying after a couple of hours.

"Just admit you have a crush on your Princess," the small cat said, trying to get me to admit defeat. He had been trying since last night to get me to "come to terms" that I really like Marinette.

Yet, the progress with acceptance with my feelings was little to no success.

"For the millionth time, I love Ladybug. Marinette is just a really close friend, a best friend," I explained, finishing the last question on my assignment before packing it all away into my bag.

"In denial and completely dense working at its finest. How sad," my Kwami said, shaking his head back and forth.

"Fuel up, Plagg," I said, handing over some stinky Camembert to the entity of bad luck and hoping it would stop the teasing, "We have to meet up with Ladybug for patrol in a few minutes." Plagg began to stuff his cheeks with cheese as if he were a chipmunk.

Within a few seconds, the cheese was gone and a satisfied burp came from the creature of destruction.

"Plagg, claws out!" I called, transforming into my alter ego, Chat Noir. I grabbed my baton and opened up my window with a smile when feeling the cool night breeze enter my room. I positioned my staff and extended it, vaulting out onto Paris's rooftops to the Eiffel Tower.

Soon, I landed on the metal platform and spotted Ladybug sitting on the edge, kicking her feet dangerously off the side. Her eyes shifted from the view and over in my direction with one of her dazzling smiles that I loved. Yet, I didn't feel any sort of electrifying flutter that made my heart beat out from my chest.

"Hey, Chat," Ladybug greeted, standing up and preparing her yoyo to launch off.

"Hello, Milady," I replied, giving my own lopsided smile.

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