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Chat Noir's P.O.V

My head felt like a car continued to be run it over repeatedly and ears were ringing immensely.

I blinked, but that didn't stop my vision from being a blurry mess and sensitive to light. It hurt to move the slightest bit yet, my back felt like it was being repeatedly stabbed as sharp shots of pain continued to hit near the spine. I groaned, clutching and unclutching my claws as they scraped against stone.

I tried to turn my head slowly to the side but the pain in my back felt as though it went into the back of my head twice as bad. I grunted, tasting something metallic within my mouth. I went back to my original position and waited for the burning to settle.

Once the pain was a dull throbbing, I took in a few deep breaths before slowly sitting up. I grunted and screamed one time as bullets of agony hit hard along my back and head. It hurt. It hurt so much that I wanted to cry and scream.

"How is it that I can be thrown into buildings and across Paris but get badly injured falling from the top of the school?" I questioned, bitterly and heaved. I waited again for the dull throb but heard footsteps nearby...and getting closer. My eyes widened in fear before remembering the ribbon.

I quickly looked around for the ribbon before spotting it a few feet away caught under some debris that wasn't a pile of ashes. The footsteps drew closer and closer. With the strength saved up, I forced myself to crawl over to the ribbon.

Every movement was torture and my limbs were shaking. Even breathing felt painful.

Yet, I pulled through when reaching the ribbon and tugging it out from under the brick. I sat back and leaned up against and bigger piece of debris, waiting for whoever was coming. Preparing for a battle that is about to happen.

Soon, the person appeared and holding their limp arm. Their glasses were cockeyed and were slowly stumbling around to find a safer spot. I immediately recognized the person and called out for them.

"Sabrina!" I shouted, throat burning and raspy. I coughed into my arm then pulled back to see blood staining my suit. My blood. Sabrina perked up in fright, afraid that it was the akuma but relaxed when she saw me. She speed-walked over, arm cradled to her chest.

"C-Chat Noir?" my classmate spoke astonished. I didn't have time and needed help but could I trust Sabrina? I didn't have much of a choice at the moment. Ladybug was akumitized, and I was badly injured.

"I need your help," I said, struggling to sit up. Sabrina knelt down beside me and helped me sit up.

"Y-You need m-my help?" she questioned, surprised. I nodded a little before handing her the ribbon.

"I need you to deliver this to someone for me. Can I trust you to do that?" I asked, seriousness laced within my voice. The girl's scared face soon changed into determined as she nodded in agreement. Her slim fingers grasped onto the ribbon as she winced from using her bad arm.

"Who am I delivering this to?" she asked. I could still see the fear within her eyes, but she seemed too determined to back out now. My options were weighed down on me. I had no idea where Master Fu lived...but I know someone who does.

"Sabrina, I need you to keep a very important secret," I began. Sabrina fidgeted a little still taking everything that happened in but nodded. I was asking for a lot from my nervous classmate and was very thankful for how collected she seemed to be even when afraid.

With no other choice, I de-transform back into Adrien Agreste.

Sabrina was flabbergasted, to say the least, and completely speechless, mouth agape.

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