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The votes are all in and accounted for! The book idea will be....a sequel for Loss! Congrats, guys and gales! This story is not over yet! But, before the sequel, I ask y'all to patiently wait! I would like to finish up another book before I release the sequel! I am hoping to the lord above that won't take long but we shall see.


Now, let's begin!


Marinette's P.O.V

Thunder roared through the late night of Paris. Rain clattered against her window as it poured, sounding like a bunch of marbles being dumped and hitting everything in its way. Lighting flashed revealing the buildings outside the window for a split second before returning back into darkness.

Yet, none of that stopped me from designing. It had been a long time since the last time I've drawn anything or picked up a needle. My mind was chock-full of ideas that I just had to draw before they were wiped from my memories.

I had a hard time finding any inspiration or motivation to do fashion designing. Now, I couldn't stop drawing. I straightened my poster to get a good look at the outfit I had just drawn and found it quite cute.

"What do you think of this one, Tikk-" I paused after looking up and realizing that my Kwami was with Sabrina temporarily. It would get pretty lonely every now and again without Tikki around.

I miss her a lot.

But, it was okay.

I was okay.

I know that someday, she will return to me. Besides, Sabrina was nice enough to stop by sometimes after patrol so I can talk with Tikki for a little bit. Then, I would give Sabrina a bunch of cookies as a thank you for everything before she headed back home.

Three hurried knocks snapped me out of my thoughts. I was a little surprised to hear them coming from the skylight and quickly scurried over to open it up for Chat. Chat leaped through the window and quickly shut it before any rain could enter the room.

Yet, that didn't stop the drenched cat from soaking my bed's comforter. The hero jumped off of the loft and stood in the middle of the room. I glared at the hero of bad luck. I grabbed my bedsheet then climbed down from my bed.

"You crazy feline!" I scolded, walking over until I stood in front of him with my free hand on my hip.

"It's raining cats and dogs out there! Did you not learn from my experience in the rain? I got sick afterward! Now, you're going to probably get sick and now, my blanket needs washed!"

Chat Noir merely let a lazy smile spread across his face, which made my boil.

"You know? You're absolutely adorable when you're mad," Chat flirted before saying, "Besides, a little water or fear of getting sick could never keep me away from you, Purrr-incess." I tried to keep a stone-cold glare on this reckless teenage boy but couldn't, for the life of me, stay mad for too long. I sighed, rolling my eyes and smiling.

"Whatever, it's not my fault if you get sick," I shrugged, heading towards the trap door, "I'll be right back. I'm going to get you a towel and put these sheets in the washer. Don't mess anything else up while I'm gone. Do I make myself clear?"

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