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WARNING: This chapter is rated T!


Adrien's P.O.V

"Adrien! I need chee—sheesh, kid. You look more awful than usual," Plagg pointed out. I could tell he was really worried about me behind his mean comments. My eyes had bags under them from lack of sleep and a million things raced through my mind.

"I'll..." I started, slowly and getting out of bed "I'll get your cheese."

I dully walked over to the mini-fridge and grabbed a slice of Camembert. The room went silent instead of me and Plagg's bickering over our opinion of cheese. I couldn't bring myself to argue or tease with my Kwami. Plagg didn't say a word as I handed over his cheese.

His ears drooped before tearing apart his cheese in half and offering me the slice. A small smile spread on my lips as I took the slice and ate it. Plagg only had to take one bite to eat his half and hummed in delight.

"Thanks, Plagg," I said, gratitude within my tone.

"Don't thank me. Thank my beloved Camembert. It told me to be nice," Plagg said, refusing to admit that he was being nice. I laughed a little before hearing a knock on the door.

"Adrien, are you up yet? Breakfast is ready," Nathalie informed through the door.

"Yeah, just give me a minute," I replied then went to get ready for the day that was about to come. It was going to be hard when seeing Marinette, especially with my broken heart and her so close but far from my reach.

I had to fix this somehow. Determination flowed through my veins and hope flickered.

"Oh no," Plagg groaned, "I know that look."

"Something is off about this whole thing, and I have a pretty good guess who is causing this trouble besides Hawkmoth," I told my Kwami then grabbing my school bag and heading to the dining room. Plagg flew into my jacket's pocket before opening my bedroom door.

After eating breakfast and the car ride to school (that felt like forever), I barely walked into the building when my fellow classmates ran out screaming in fear. I stumbled back a little in surprise before hearing maniacal laughter and flashes of green light.

I ran behind some nearby stairs and peeked around to only watch a student get hit by a beam of green light. A box of some sort formed behind the frozen student with an open lid and was sucked inside. The lid closed over the student then the box fell back.

My eyes widened when I realized what the box really was.

A coffin.

My heart stopped beating and felt pale when the coffin began to phase into the ground. I didn't think and ran into the danger to help. The coffin was merely two inches from being fully underground. I could hear the guy inside screaming and hitting the lid in terror.

I tried to open the lid with all my might, but it didn't budge. I had a feeling that it was magically sealed shut and the only way to fix it was to de-akumatize the new akuma, whoever it may be.

I felt the back of my hairs stand in a warning for the incoming danger and barely dodged the beam in a matter of seconds. The coffin I was trying to open was now long gone within the ground. The guy that was in that coffin was now buried alive along with the rest of the victims.

I had to free them before they run out of air.

My green eyes traveled up to meet soulless, pale white. The akuma was a girl.

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