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Marinette's P.O.V

The first thing when waking up, I noticed the silence. I jumped when my phone's alarm went off and quickly turned it off. Tikki was still sound asleep, and I desperately wanted to join her but knew that it would be impossible to sleep even if I just rolled around the whole night with barely a wink of rest.

My mind was filled with many different things. I just want to hide under my covers for the whole day and forget the events of yesterday but urged myself out of the warmth of the bed.

I changed into my everyday clothes before heading downstairs to see the kitchen empty. I froze and looked away for a moment to gather myself then continued to make myself some breakfast.

I had to keep repeatedly reminding myself that mama was okay and safe in the hospital. She is tough and will be alright, back in the bakery where she belongs then everything will be back to normal. It just has to be.

Not paying attention, my elbow hit the box of cereal, making a mess on the floor. For a moment, I just stared at it then sighed. I turned in my seat to stand up which caused my other elbow to hit my bowl and spill it all over the table.

I cursed under my breath and slammed my fist on the table, recoiling from the stinging pain that shot up my arm. Taking a couple deep breathes to calm down, I stood up and went to grab a wash rag to clean the milk.

"Marinette, is everything okay?" my papa asked, poking his head through the door. I looked up from cleaning the table and saw the change from worry to understanding. Papa grabbed a broom from the bakery and began to sweep up the cereal.

"Papa, I can clean this up. You go deal with the customers," I said, urging him to go back downstairs. He gave his bright, warm smile that didn't have much of the same cheeriness it usually had.

"It's alright. The bakery doesn't open for a little while and there are no big orders from anyone so I should be able to get them done quickly," he said, finishing up by grabbing the box and throwing away the cereal that was on the floor. I finished cleaning up my mess on the table.

"Thank you, I'm sorry that I made a mess," I apologized, feeling guilty that I made dad stop his work to help me. I felt his large hand place itself on my shoulder and looked up to see a sympathetic smile.

"It was an accident. There is no need to apologize, since I wanted to help clean this up," He reassured. That brought a small smile to my face, and I hugged him burying my face into his chest. He returned the gesture. We stayed like that, until I pulled away and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Go get finished getting ready, or you'll be late getting to school," he said, shooing me away. I went back up to my room and grabbed my purse and school bag. Tikki flew over giving me skeptical look before asking, "What happened?"

"One of my many natural disasters," I explained, shrugging. My Kwami chuckled then shook her head back in forth, saying, "What are we going to do with you?"

I laughed a little before opening my purse and letting Tikki fly into it. Closing my purse, I made my way down to the bakery and grabbed a croissant before heading to school. For the first time, I was actually early and went upstairs to my class to wait until Alya arrived. I felt like I was forgetting something but once I sat down, a wave of tiredness brought me into dreamland from taking a toll from an almost sleepless night.

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