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Marinette's P.O.V

The next day, I went to school feeling better from talking with Chat the past two nights. I still haven't fully recovered from the blow that hit my family but it was slowly healing. Improvement, slowly but surely. There was still a feeling of breaking and sorrow looming in the air like a storm cloud, the whole works.

I walked into the classroom to see that there were only a few people who were surprised to see me. Early was not a term in my dictionary until today. I even surprised myself when looking at the time this morning.

I sat in my seat and searched for my design book until pausing when someone called out, "Hey, Marinette!"

My head shot up to see Kim and Max standing in front of my desk. I grew worried when seeing the looks on their faces then felt more eyes drawn in our direction. The two looked furious and disappointed, making a nervous pit in my stomach flare with worry and trying to figure out what happened.

"Y-Yeah," I stuttered, curiosity scratching at my brain.

"Don't play innocent with us! Why did you do it?" Max yelled, face red with rage. I was taken back and that's when I heard the phone's buzzing like crazy behind me. Then there were gasps and whispering. What was going on? What was happening? What was on their phones and the two boys in front of me talking about?

"I don't know what you're talking about," I replied, quickly and probably looking guiltier for something that I had no clue about. This wasn't looking good, and I didn't even know what was going on to begin with!

Kim tutted in disgust and Max kept glaring at me while going to their seats. I watched them go and with just a glimpse of other narrowed eyes and shaking heads with disappointment, disgusted looks towards me. I turned back and slightly shrunk in my seat. I just got to school and people are suddenly hating me with no clue as to why.

More people came into the room, some ignoring me and others giving a cold glance. Alya walked through the door and as I was about to greet her, she walked to the back where Lila sits.

I was stunned when she completely ignored me and turned back around, bowing my head. Whatever was going on must be really bad and admit that it scared me a little. Soon, Chloe walked in the room with a crying Lila wrapped under her arm, Sabrina trailing behind them with concern.

I didn't miss the small smirk on Chloe's face before going back to her worried one. I immediately knew that those two were up to something. Whatever fake rumor they spread was a part of this act. Is this what Lila was planning to do to make all my friends avoid me? If so, then why was Chloe a part of it? Unless, was it because of what happened yesterday in class?

"Are you sure you are going to be okay?" Chloe asked, comfortingly, and Lila nodded, both flawlessly acting. The liar went to her seat but not without casting me an evil smirk before going back to being "sad." Chloe glared at me before taking her seat.

Soon, Nino came in without waving or looking at me in general. A sinking feeling came when seeing my crush walk through the door, seeming normal. Our gazes met and a sudden wave of nerves washed over me. Did he hate me too?

Adrien smiled and waved a little "hi," making me flush. Confusion wrapped around my mind relieved that not everyone hates me. Why wasn't he mad at me too? Does he not know about the situation yet?

My hands grew sweaty when seeing Adrien and Nino talking. I tried to make out what they were talking about, but was too far away. Miss Bustier walked in and greeted the class before taking attendance.

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