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Marinette's P.O.V

Everything was a blur.

I could see Miss Bustier searching the class until her eyes landed on me. They flickered from anger to worry in a split second then quickly walked over and knelt down to my level. Her hands were placed on my shoulders, mouth moving but no words came out as though I pressed the mute button on the TV remote making it go silent.

"Is that why it was so quiet?" I thought, blinking unknowingly at her. Miss Bustier stood back up, seeing how I wasn't replying anytime soon but left her hands on my shoulders as a way of comfort. I tried to soak in as much of the warmth as possible, yet it didn't do much.

I just wanted to dig a hole and hide in it for the rest of my life. I didn't want to look up to see people's reactions from the scene that I displayed and the secret that I exposed. Didn't want to see all their remorse or pity, especially, Alya's, Nino's and Adrien's.

I could so easily picture the sly smirk coming from Lila, feel her satisfaction radiate as she pulled off a shocked expression. Why did I do that? What was I trying to prove to someone as demeaning as Chloe?

I only proved that I keep secrets from everyone. Ladybug, mama's death, Chat Noir's visits, my pain...no wonder everyone trusts Lila more than me. I do nothing but hide like a coward instead of proving that what Lila says is all a huge lie. Yet, she always has some truth within her lie that makes it so...believable.

Before I knew what was happening, I was being guided out of the room and down the hallway to the principal's office. Miss Bustier was talking again but no words formed as her lips moved. I kept my head low and arms crossed, quiet the whole time.

We entered the office. I sat down on one of the seats and felt a headache begin to form. Miss Bustier talked with Mr. Damocles about something, but I didn't pay any attention since everything was silent. I finally moved a hand from clutching my arm and cupping the side of my head being to throb.

A small groan escaped when the pounding hit hard at one point and a wave of tiredness fell over me. Rubbing my eyes, I felt exhausted from all the emotional stress. I just want to go home, not be bothered and take a long nap.

"Marinette," I heard someone say, shaking me a little. My gaze was drawn up to meet with the kind chocolate brown eyes of my papa. He gave me a look of sympathy and smiled a little.

"Come on, let's go home," he gently spoke. I nodded and followed him out the door. Papa wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and I nuzzled into his comforting touch. Papa was my guide as we walked out of the building.

I wanted to hide away and disappear from the world, make it unknown to my existence to wallow.

Even if home was merely right across the road, it felt like a lifetime arriving to the front door. Why was it taking so long to get to the bakery?

I peeked out from papa's side and found that we were going around the block. Confusion weaved itself inside my brain as I looked up at him. He wore a blank expression, seemingly in deep thought and trying to figure something out.

I opened my mouth to ask why we were going around the block but immediately shut it. He had to have a good reason for going around the block. Papa wouldn't have done it unless it was very necessary so I stayed silent.

We arrived at the side doors. Papa kept looking around and urged me inside, practically shoving me in. After stumbling through the doorframe, I turned around and saw him quickly lock the door.

Papa pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before his gaze fell onto me. I couldn't help but shrink and avoid making any eye contact with him.

"I..." I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts, "I-I'm going to go t-to my room." Out of the corner of my eye, papa nodded until clearing his throat and replied, "Okay."

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