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Marinette's P.O.V

I took in a deep breath, filling my lungs in with fresh air. Today was going to be a good day! I could feel it within my bones!

I held the straps of my pink book bag and headed towards school with a broad smile on my face. The sky was a little cloudy but didn't stop the rays of sunshine from breaking through the fluffy white curtain.

I walked onto the school grounds and was met by the sight of Sabrina following Chloe like a lost puppy. I shake my head and roll my eyes, old habits die hard I suppose. While Chloe talked on her cell phone, Sabrina looked over in my direction and smiled, waving over at me.

I waved back before walking up the stairs, entering the school.


I turned my attention towards the noise when arms suddenly wrapped around my back. I stumbled back until we both fell to the ground. I squeaked in surprise and grunted when my back collided with the floor. Alya quickly got off of me and stood, offering a sheepish hand.

"Sorry!" she apologized, "I'm just so happy to see you coming back to school!"

I laughed, taking her hand as she helped me back to my feet.

"I'm glad to be back too. It's been a while," I replied as we both started to walk towards the locker room. It had been a week since my akumatization. I was able to stay home and recuperate mentally from all the trauma.

Alya visited me every day after school to deliver and catch up on any homework I missed (also talk about a lot of stuff unrelated to physics or math equations). Our broken friendship had been healed back together and even stronger than before.

Chat Noir visited every night and hung out from snuggling up to watch a movie or kick his butt at video games. For some reason though, he was really good at playing cards like some sort of card shark. Sabrina had stopped in at some point during the week after a patrol to talk and see Tikki.

Yet, the weirdest thing that happened that whole week was when Alya came with a box full of "get well" cards made by the whole class (except for Lila of course). Even Chloe made a card too, it being not too hard to miss with the whole card bedazzled in gold glitter, real gems, and curvy white words inside.

That same night, Chat brought some expensive chocolate and fabric. It was very sweet of him but I was still complaining about the cost of the items (even if I did reluctantly accept the gifts).

Alya grabbed her phone out from her jean's pocket and began to type on it as she said, "I have to catch you up on what's been going on this past week!"

I had to guide my best friend around obstacles and open the locker room door for her when she suddenly shoved her phone in my face. On the screen, the Ladyblog was pulled up and a picture was presented. There was Sabrina dressed up as Ladybug and swinging through Paris late at night.

"There is a new Ladybug! Who do you think it is? What happened to the original? Do you think this girl stole Ladybug's miraculous or blackmailed her? Or maybe, Ladybug is hurt?" Alya rambled on with many questions and theories. I giggled while I opened my locker to exchange books.

Suddenly, the phone was shoved in my face again. This time, it was a social media page with a picture of Lila in a hospital room laying on a bed and a short sentence saying "Recovering quickly thanks to the new Ladybug."

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