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I wanted to thank everyone that is reading this and hope you enjoy this chapter!!


Marinette's P.O.V

I arrived in class to see that my seat was taken by Lila which means I'm sitting in the back again. My feet trudged up the stairs to the back row. Lila faked flinched and leaned away from me a little to keep up with the act.

Rolling my eyes, the feeling of something hitting the back of my head made me pause. I turned around to find a crumbled up piece of paper on the step below.

Kim smiled, satisfied before turning back around in his seat while others snickered and whispered. I scurried the rest of the way up and took a seat while avoiding eye contact from others who stared.

"Hey, Adrien! Look, I get to sit behind you now! Isn't that great?" Lila's flirty voice made me look up at the scene below. My crush stood in front of his desk in deep thought before scanning the room until his gaze landed on me.

I immediately faced the window to pretend that I wasn't just bothered by what just happened. I fiddled around with my fingers and tried to distract myself. I had to keep a cool head to win back what Lila and Chloe stole away.

"Mind if I sit here again? You look lonely back here."

I was startled from my thoughts when Adrien was suddenly sitting next to me with a smile so bright that not even the sun could compete in such glory. My jaw slacked in shock as if about to say something until closing it back up and nodding my head shyly. I went flustered with such kindness from the blonde model. I could feel Lila's glare burning holes into my head but ignored it.

If there were an imaginary scoreboard somewhere, it would be giving me a point and both of us knew I won this round. I wasn't sure if I should feel happy or frightened with the information she knows and could twist into a whole different story with some truth to it. I had to play this carefully if I wanted to win.

"Good morning, class! Let's begin with attendance," Miss Bustier announced before reading down the list of names. After my name was passed, I looked out the window and up at the sky at some clouds hovering over Paris. I imagined mama looking down at me through the window with the biggest and warmest smile she always had.

The clouds moved by and let some of the sun's rays wash through the glass as if mama was embracing me with her warmth. I let out a content sigh and close my eyes, a peaceful smile. I felt all my worries wash away with the surrounding light engulfing me in a state of serenity.

It was amazing. I actually thought about talking to mama in my room when no one (except for Tikki, of course) was around. Would that help me grasp onto some peace of mind? Would it help with the ache that's been throbbing since her death? I perked up when hearing the bell ring and the other students gather their supplies.

"Don't forget to read pages 137-139 and fill in some notes. Marinette, can I please talk with you after class?" Miss Bustier informed.

I blinked a couple of times and nodded, almost not believing that I was actually in my own head for that long. Gathering my supplies, I stood up and went to the front of the class while everyone else left. I saw Chloe and Lila give an evil smirk and Adrien a worried one.

Once everyone was gone, Miss Bustier walked around her desk with a sad smile. I was confused at first when she knelt down in front of me and placed a hand on the side of my arm.

"I heard what happened and just wanted to let you know if there is anything you need, I'll be here. Okay?" she said, soothingly rubbing my arm. A small smile blossomed on my lips and nodded in relief that I wasn't in trouble. Miss Bustier let me go to have some lunch at home.

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