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Adrien's P.O.V

The weekend came and went fast with no breaks. Ladybug still has yet to show her face. Not only was worrying me, but all of Paris. Alya has posted fewer videos since there was nothing to film except for the never-ending questions and theories of what happened to Ladybug.

My limo came to a stop in front of the school. I left the vehicle and went off to find Nino before the start of our first class.

"Adrien!" I stopped in my tracks at a very familiar voice and turned to see that person, walking over slyly.

"What is it, Lila?" I asked, as polite as possible and holding back an eye roll.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime. My cousin can get us some front row tickets to Jagged Stone's next concert," Lila persuaded, twisting a lock of hair and smiled deviously. I grimaced a little but covered it up.

"Sorry, I can't. I'm already busy as is, and my father wouldn't allow it either," I apologized, trying to let her down easy. It evidently wasn't easy enough once her sly features turned into irritation. She scoffed, taken back by my answer before covering it up with that same innocent look again.

"Maybe, we could go some other time then?" she asked, probing on. I scratched the back of my neck uncomfortably and trying to figure out a way out of this without being harsh. I spotted Marinette from the corner of my eye walking into the entrance with a low head.

"I-I need to go, Lila," I said, pointing over my shoulder nervously, "I have someone to see before class starts, but we can talk later."

A sigh escaped from my lips and made my way to the locker room to meet up with Marinette. She seemed a bit down when she came in and it seems that I am her only friend right now. Maybe there is something I could do?

Marinette's P.O.V

"We should go out for patrol tonight," I told Tikki, taking books out of the locker. After seeing Adrien with Lila, it put me in a sour mood. Now, Adrien probably realized that it was a mistake being friends with me.

At least I have an amazing friend, Chat Noir has been an incredible help. I couldn't be more grateful for everything he has done for me these past couple weeks. I should do something in return to show my gratitude.

When Tikki didn't reply, it confused me until closing the locker and jumped, squealing in surprise when Adrien appeared on the other side.

"Hey, Marinette. How are you today?" the love of my life asked.

"Uh—mine—I MEAN, FINE!" I corrected, yelling the last part. Adrien seemed taken back before smiling sweetly and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"I'm glad you're having a good day. Would you like to join Nino and I for lunch?" he asked, hope shining in his majestic, green eyes. I almost went speechless and stared too long, probably acting weird.

"B-but doesn't N-Nino hate me l-like everyone else?" I questioned, praying that I was wrong and that Nino is still my friend. I hate that everyone was avoiding me like the plague because of a lie. Yet, there was still no evidence that I was telling the truth.

Adrien even seemed unsure himself but tried not to show it.

"He doesn't hate you, Marinette. He just doesn't know it's all a misunderstanding, but if he tries anything then I've got your back," the model reassured, giving the short girl a wink. Marinette wasn't fully reassured but touched that Adrien still stood by her side than with lying Lila back there.

He believed me and that's all I wanted, to be believed in. It gave me that small bit of hope that the future will be okay. I gave a small smile in return before we headed off to class.

No One's P.O.V

Alya still sat in the back, scrolling through her phone before glancing at the door when hearing Adrien and Marinette walking into the classroom laughing. She raised an eyebrow at the two then shook it off and went back to her phone.

The blogger didn't admit it out loud, but she missed her dear, clumsy friend. They used to laugh like that almost every day they came to class and gossip on the latest Ladybug news or Marinette's crazy crush on Adrien.

Alya knew something wasn't right about the Lila and Chloe thing after thinking on it. It was strange to see the two working together and the video may seem real, but she knew it wasn't like her best friend to get into fistfights.

Something was going on and she was going to do anything to solve the mystery.

Even if it meant doing a little bit of spying on Marinette to see things from her point of view.

"Hey, Alya," the blogger's attention was drawn away from her thoughts to see Lila sitting down in the seat next to her.

"Hey," Alya replied, a little skeptical. Lila could see the glint of doubt in those brown eyes and quickly smiled warmly with a bubbly feeling of slyness. She had seen Marinette grow closer to Adrien and decided to go against her warning. It was time for revenge.

So...why not get Marinette's best friend to do all the work for her?

"I hope you don't mind me asking for some help from you. You are the best reporter I know who will always go the limits to find out something. So, I was wondering if you could help me with something," Lila offered. Alya's doubt evaporated into cloud nine, very intrigued by Lila's offer.

Alya wondered why Marinette could ever hate such a wonderful and amazing person.

"What do you need help with?" Alya asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lila smirked, saying, "I need some help to investigate Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She's hiding something, and it may be the reason why she...she..."

To add to her acting lie, Lila "shivered" and hugged herself with fear laced eyes. Alya took the bait when a look of sympathy creased her features before determination flooded over.

"I'm in," the redhead declared.

Lila's smile widened all the more sinister before changing into "relief."

"Really, thank you so much. I would love to help, but I volunteered at an animal shelter tonight," she said. Alya waved it off, "It's okay. Besides, I don't want you getting hurt again."

"You are the best," Lila complimented, smiling brightly and giving Alya a hug. The blogger felt a bit of similarity in this situation like it happened before. She hugged the Italian girl back and shrugged off the longing feeling.

The teacher walked in and class started. In the middle of class, screaming could be heard outside the building.


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