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Adrien's P.O.V

I shut the car door and searched the crowd of people for Nino or Alya. Any possible way to avoid Chloe and Lila today after yesterday's events. They went too far with messing with me and more importantly, Marinette.

"Hey, dude!"

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Nino surprised me by wrapping an arm around my shoulders. A smile made its way onto my lips until a distraught Alya walked over not too long after. Bags were under her eyes and hair was tussled everywhere as tired hazel orbs stared down at the phone in her hand.

Alya's form said it all.

She was very upset and worried.

"Alya, are you alright?" I asked, concerned for my friend's state. The frenzied blogger looked up from her phone and blinked a couple of times processing what I said. Her eyebrows furrowed the next minute and face wrinkled with anger.

"I'm fine, Agreste," the redhead spat, surprising both Nino and me. We watched as Alya walked away with an annoyed sigh. I shifted my gaze over to my best friend for an answer.

"What's wrong with, Alya?" I questioned. Nino sighed dejectedly and unwrapped his arm from around me before scratching the nape of his neck.

"I wondered what was wrong too, but she shut me down as well. So, I sneaked a peek at her phone, since I was curious as to why she'd been staring at it since she came to school. She had her messages open on Marinette's chat and waiting for a reply from her, I suppose. It looked like Alya spammed Mari but still has not received anything back," the DJ explained.

I nodded in understanding before we walked to the locker room. When arriving, I reached out to open the door when it was suddenly slammed open.

"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloe shouted, seethed and stomped away as Sabrina ran a little to catch up with the fiery blonde.

"Sabrina," I called, making the redhead pause and turn around in confusion.

"Yes, Adrien?" she asked, readjusting her glasses.

"Not that I really care at the moment, but what's wrong with Chloe?" I asked. Sabrina looked over her shoulder at the rampaging mayor's daughter shoving aside some people to stomp up the stairs with clenched fists. She turned back and pursed her lips in thought.

"Lila blackmailed Chloe," Sabrina whispered as if she didn't want others to hear.

"Really?" Nino said in disbelief, "That's pretty hard to believe Lila could actually blackmail someone. She's too nice and awesome."

"I thought that too," Sabrina replied, saddened.

"I believe you, Sabrina. Thank you for telling me," I thanked the redhead. I truly did believe Lila was capable of blackmailing, trickery and lying. She deceived everyone except Marinette and me. We were the only two who knew of Lila's habit to manipulate others into believing things that aren't true.

Yesterday, Lila somehow convinced me that she needed help with her makeup. I was dumb enough to get close to add some eyeliner to her lashes that she grabbed my collar and kissed me. I dropped the eyeliner pen in shock then heard the door behind me open. I snapped out of my shock long enough to pull away and turn to see who entered.

Out of everyone in the whole school, it had to be Marinette.

Sabrina nodded and smiled a little until Chloe screeched, "SABRINA! WHERE ARE YOU?" The girl in glasses jumped and waved us goodbye, scurrying away to her "best friend."

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