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Adrien's P.O.V

"Father, where's mom?" I asked, shifting on my feet. Father has recently been avoiding and closing himself off from everyone to hide in his office. I've passed his office a few times to see him stare at the portrait of mom and felt loneliness in this growing-to-be cold house. Big and empty without mother's warmth around.

Father started to drown himself in work instead of having dinner like we usually do. He would lock me in my room until needed for any curricular events that he schedules. I see his assistant, Nathalie more than I see him!

Mom hasn't come back for quite some time and it really scared me to pieces.

What happened to her? Where could she be? Is she coming back at all?

Mom should have been back a week ago, but there was still no message or clue to her coming home. It seemed that the only person that has answers is my father. I tried to get answers from Natalie, but she wanted my father to break the news.

After gathering up the courage, I shyly, but finally, asked about mom. Father was once again looking at the portrait of mom before turning to face me with a cold, narrowed-eyed look. I tensed when our gazes met and nervously shrunk back a little. I've never seen him like this before. He's always cheery and happy...something bad must of happened.

I have a feeling I knew who the problem was about and could almost hear my heart pounding against my chest.

"Your mother is missing, and I want to be alone so go to your room. Natalie will call you for dinner soon but don't expect me to be there. I am very busy and don't disturb me again. Are we clear?" he stated, dully. I was completely flabbergasted and gaped feeling hurt by his cold words.

How could he give bad news in such a cruel way? To his own son too!

"B-But-"I tried to speak but was cut off.

"ARE. WE. CLEAR?" He repeated, harshly, glaring down at me. We kept eye contact for a while, before I bowed my head and stepped back out of his office. I met his gaze one more time, trying to find any remorse or chance that he would take back his hurtful words. Seeing none, I grabbed the door and lowered my head.

"Yes, father," I answered, sliding the door shut. I clenched my teeth together and turned my hands into fists, holding back unshed tears from the rejection of my own father. I backed away from the door slowly before turning away and heading back to my room. Little did I know, it would become my new, cold prison full of loneliness.

I swore that I wouldn't leave anyone to grieve alone again.

Yet...I already broke my promise.

I gave up with trying to confront my father about mother and comfort him. Still, he pushed me farther away until there were rare occasions we would see each other in person. He never came to dinner, never asked about my day, never really done anything together, now that I think about it.

Now, I need to fix that promise.

"Plagg, fuel up," I said, tossing my Kwami a wheel of stinky cheese. The greedy being grabbed the cheese and devoured it whole, while I searched the web for any of the nearest flower shops to stop it.

"What are you planning? Giving your Princess some flowers? How...disgusting, yuck! Why do you even need girls when there are way less stressful things such as-"

"I swear," I started, annoyed and cutting off Plagg.

"If you say Camembert, I will limit your cheese by one wheel a day unless more is necessary."

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