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As you can see, I changed the title of the book to Loss and the summary. I feel like "loss" would be a better suited word for this book than "surrender" and the summary has improved to explain the book a bit better than the last summary.

One last thing, I hate to be a baron of bad news but THIS BOOK IS COMING CLOSE TO THE END! So prepare! Just like me...*grabs tissues*...because I'm going to be sad once this ends.

I enjoyed writing this book. At first, it was supposed to be a short book that I was going to be up and done with. But then it became so much more!

Alright! Enough ranting!



Marinette's P.O.V

I couldn't move after hearing his raspy voice.

I couldn't breathe, hoping that this wasn't all in my head and that he was awake.

Rigid, forcing my eyes ahead as to not look back and see his face without a mask covering it.

What was I supposed to do? What do I say? What was I to think after everything I did to him and what he's done for me?

My body went into a cold sweat as if someone dumped iced water onto me. My heart pounded erratically against my chest and hands clenched into fists. I felt myself trembling, shakily gulping the lump in my throat.

I'm so scared.

"Marinette," Chat called again.

I wanted to desperately hug Chat Noir and place my ear on his chest to hear his heartbeat. Tell him to never do that again and that I love him to bits. Then kiss him senselessly until we're both breathless. But, I didn't do any of that.

"Marinette," Chat called, worry within his voice.

I am too scared to move. Too scared to know his true identity. Too scared to look upon the face of the guy I love...the guy I hurt. I could still see his beaten and bloody body cradled within my arms. Skin a chalky, pale color, breathing ragged and excruciatingly slow. His body limp and unmoving.

I could still hear the haunting echoes of my crying and felt the lingering pain of seeing him almost to the point of death.

"Marinette," he called a third time.

I whimpered, lip quivering and trying to hold in my sobs. I've never heard anything more relieving and blessed in all my life.

"Don't cry!" I thought, loudly, "Don't you dare start freaking crying!"

A black blur flew through the floor. Plagg lazily floated on his back and licking his paws clean from eating. The Kwami let out a burp before complimenting, "That was some good cheese bread but it's still not as good as my sweet, beloved Camembert. Instead of the cheese, you used on the bread, I recommend using Cam-"

Plagg immediately stopped talking once acid eyes met my glossy bluebell.

"Plagg...is that you?" Chat's voice rang out, questioningly. The Kwami glanced at the loft before coming back to look at me. I gestured for him to go up there, hoping he didn't mention me being in the room as well. Plagg seemed to get the message and flew up to my bed. I could hear quiet talking coming from behind me and wondered what they were talking about.

Suddenly, a green light encased the room for a moment and startling me from my thoughts. I stiffened when hearing a rustling sound coming from my bed. Gulping down a hard lump in my throat, I slowly cast my gaze to look behind me.

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