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Adrien's P.O.V

After I returned back home, Natalie came and acknowledged me with a last minute scheduled photo shoot. Knowing that I wouldn't be at the funeral at the time I planned, I followed my father's assistant out to the limo sadly.

My mind drifted wondering if Marinette would be okay for the time being until my arrival. I would likely be an hour late if not longer depending on how picky my photographer is today.

We soon arrived at Notre Dame, there a few feet away was the said photographer. From what I could see, he looked quite agitated with something which meant this was going to take a while. With a sigh, I exited the limo and went over to start.

"Ah, Adrien. You have arrived! Perfect! Let's begin!" the photographer exclaimed.

"Let's get this over with," I thought, watching the limo leave to return later.


The photoshoot took two hours since I was either "too tense" or "very distracted" with every pose I did. The truth was, I was very distracted and itched to leave as soon as possible which didn't happen.

I quickly went to my room without a second thought and knew no one would come in for the rest of the night. This gave me the advantage to go out as Chat for the rest of the funeral tonight. Without a second thought or one complaint from my lazy Kwami, I transformed then left through the window.

I leaped from roof to roof as fast as possible and found the building. It stuck out like a sore thumb with the flowers and a giant picture frame of the deceased woman and some words. I opened the door and poked my head in to see a bunch of people talking or crying quietly in the hallway.

Some people noticed me and whispered through the crowd probably wondering what one of Paris superheroes is doing at Sabine's funeral. If I was ever going to find Marinette, I had to keep a low profile.

"Chat Noir, what are you doing here?"

I jumped when the sudden voice came up from behind me. My attention was brought onto who I recognized to be Marinette's grandmother. She had red tear tracks flowing down her face and puffy eyes misted over.

"Hi, Miss. I was looking for my friend, Marinette," I explained, quietly so no one else would hear. The elder woman gave a sweet smile before gesturing me to follow her. Marinette's grandmother guided me to a small room in the back filled with some children and a couple of adults.

She pointed to the far corner of the room at a couch and at the end of it was the bluenette. She sat there curled up, facing the wall and leaning on the back of the couch as if sleeping. I knew better though. She wanted to be alone.

"From what Tom tells me, Marinette hasn't moved from that spot ever since they arrived. I don't think she even went into the main room yet to see her mother. I have a feeling you could change that," the elder woman explained.

I glanced up at her and nodded, thanking her before walking over to my shy friend. I could feel the room grow tense. Some of the adults and children went silent, eyes watching my every move carefully. They were either surprised I was here or thinking it was a bad idea to mess with my Princess. Maybe both.

I ignored them and sat down next to Marinette who didn't acknowledge my presence, probably thinking it was someone pitying her.

I reached out and laid a hand on her shoulder. She flinched at the touch, burying herself more into the cushion of the brown furniture.

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