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liked by shawnmendes, mannymontgomery, and 1,871 others

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liked by shawnmendes, mannymontgomery, and 1,871 others

whoanellie hey shawn mendes followed me and i'm afraid to say i've never even listened to his music

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bbymendes oh my god you're gorgeous @shawnmendes pLS DATE HER

mannymontgomery mate even I've listened to shawn mendes

lovemendes ew she's not even pretty what is shawn even seeing

mannymontgomery @lovemendes girl if u think she isn't pretty the fucc outta here real quick before I kidnap u and bring u to the eye doctor

shawnmendes haha I suggest you give it a listen x

peterraulmendes OMG I ALREADY SHIP IT

whoanellie @mannymontgomery i love u bro @shawnmendes i'll think about it

shawnsbaby I can't believe shawn is talking to u. gross.

whoanellie @lovemendes @shawnsbaby hi i am not okay with people saying shit like that on my page. 1) i have never interacted with him before that ONE comment of his that i replied to and 2) if ur a fan of shawn's, then ur going to support him in whatever he does. if he's talking to someone? so what? does that really affect u? and if u don't like me, piss off my page. thanks.

instagram - shawn mendes / jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now