t w e n t y - n i n e - r e a l i t y

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"Shawn, please don't be one of those guys that restricts the girl from being friends with another guy because he's an ex." I had already told him that I was going to meet up with Luca when I got back to Liverpool, and we had been arguing for the past half an hour. "Luca was a really great friend of mine throughout high school and yeah, we had a relationship, but that ended and I'm with you now, and I'm happier than I've ever been. Shawn, you make me so happy and I hate that this is an argument we're having."

Shawn took a deep breath, rubbing his eyes with the pads of his fingers. "I'm sorry," he murmured, taking a few steps forward and wrapping me in a warm hug. "I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you. We haven't been together for very long, I know, but my feelings for you get stronger every time I'm with you, and I can't help but be jealous when someone like Luca just appears. I don't want to argue with you. I'm not preventing you from hanging out with him or being friends with him. I trust you completely, but that doesn't mean I trust him right now, okay? Just don't let him do anything that you don't want. I'm here to protect you and love you and that's what I'm going to do. I don't want to argue with you. It sucks. Is this little fight over?" he asked, pulling me away from his body to make eye contact with me.

I smiled at him and nodded. "Yeah. This fight is over. Thank you for being such a great guy, Shawn. I do understand your point of view."

"I'm sorry for being jealous," Shawn said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Don't be sorry, Shawn, you can't exactly control it," I said softly, pulling his face closer to mine. Our lips connected and I hoped that all of our future arguments and fights would end as easily as this one did.


"Do you have everything you're going to want in the next few days?" Shawn asked, holding my large duffel bag up and looking at me.

I nodded. "Yeah. Thank you again for coming with me," I said, taking the bag from Shawn's hand and setting it on the floor, wrapping my arms around him. "You'll get to meet my dad," I murmured into his chest. 

Shawn inhaled sharply and I looked up at him, smiling. "You'll be okay, bub. He'll love you, don't worry."

"I sure hope so," Shawn groaned.

"He's protective but I know he's going to really like you. Just be yourself, he'll see you've got a great heart."

Shawn nodded and looked at his watch. "We better get going," he sighed, unwrapping his arms from me and picking up both of our bags.

"I can take mine," I said, reaching for my bag.

Shawn shook his head. "I've got it, love," he smiled. "Just open the door for me please?"

I sighed and opened the door, locking it and closing it behind the two of us.

An hour later, we were sitting in the terminal, waiting for our flight.

"Ready for a good ol' fifteen hour flight?" I asked Shawn as we sat, a small smile playing at my lips.

Shawn shrugged. He had on a large black jumper, the hood over his head, with a pair of sunglasses covering his eyes. It looked a bit foolish to me when I was having a normal conversation with him, but he had to make sure no one noticed that the Shawn Mendes was about to get on a flight to Liverpool.

"Are you going to sleep?" he asked me, holding my hand and drawing circles on it with his thumb.

I nodded. "Yeah. You should get some sleep too."

"I probably will," he shrugged.

Before I could say anything else, a honey-sweet voice blared over the intercom in our section. "Flight two-seven-one to Liverpool, section A, you may now begin boarding."

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