f i v e - d m ' s

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jackj | whoanellie

hey u never texted me the other day

hey sorry about that

it's fine. i just wanted to see what u thought about me maybe moving to la?

hell yeah! dude that would be so lit

that's pretty far from all of your friends though

i know. but i think i need some change and i have plenty of friends in la too. i love liverpool but i don't think i want to just sit here forever. i also got an email from another producer saying he wanted to meet me and talk about recording some of my songs for real and that sounds so great but if i'm doing that i think i would want to be in la.

I agree

do you want me to look at some apartements for you?

that would be awesome j. i talked to manny about it as well and he thinks it would be fun if he and i could live together

yeah I really want to meet him! he seems cool

he's awesome. so would u mind looking for a place for us?

no absolutely I can do that. I'll find a couple places and then whenever you're here you can come see them and pick what you want.

sweet. thanks mate

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