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liked by shawnmendes, mendesbby, and 563 others

sunsetrecords so proud to be managing the lovely talented Nellie Watson!

tagged whoanellie

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nelliebby @whoanellie AHHHH SO PROUD OF YOU BABYYY

nelwatsxo im so excited for this !!!

shawnmendes @whoanellie incredibly proud of you💛you're going to do some great things

benhawkes so excited to be your manager!

shawnhxe oh nice the talentless bitch is about to get famous using shawn wooohooo

whoanellie thank you so much!

whoanellie @benhawkes so stoked to have you as my manager!

bbymendes @whoanellie so proud of you nellie!

instagram - shawn mendes / jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now