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shawnmendes1 [video]

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shawnmendes1 [video]

whoanellie: u fckn cutie

shawnmendes1: you're cuter💛

whoanellie: u fckn liar

shawnmendes1: shut up nellie

shawnmendes1: on a more sirius note (see what I did there haha) do u want to have dinner with me tonight

whoanellie: yeah i'd love to buuuut i'm really not tryna go out tonight

shawnmendes1: sounds to me like a movie night. chinese? pizza? what you want cutie

a/n ommmmmgawwwdddd shawn u so cute (i love writing these)

whoanellie: chinese sounds great. my place or yours?

shawnmendes1: my place. I'll pick you up around 5?

whoanellie: sounds great

shawnmendes1: see you then💛

whoanellie: 💛

a/n big long chapter coming!!

instagram - shawn mendes / jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now