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liked by harrystyles, whoanellie, and 1,936,357 others

shawnmendes tired but beautiful (stayed up way too late last night)

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mannymontgomery but what were you doing last night that kept you up so late?

bbymendes tired but still fucking gorgeous

whoanellie i love you baby

whoanellie @mannymontgomery 😉 u know what we be doin

mendeshoney omg they totally had sex

armymendes @mendeshoney how do u know this??

loveprmendes @armymendes @mendeshoney obvi did u see her comment to manny

janemendes ew omg did they really have sex? shawn could do so much better than this fucking slut ew. come one shawn

jackj @janemendes jesus christ does it matter if they had sex? they're in a fucking relationship that's what people in relationships do. and you know nothing about nellie, so don't go calling her a slut and telling shawn that he could do better than her. and I hope you don't call yourself a fan treating someone shawn loves with so much disrespect. damn. you should really be embarrassed.

shawnmendes @jackj thanks man. appreciate you

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