t w e n t y - i n s t a g r a m

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liked by shawnmendes, bbymendes, and 12,141 others

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liked by shawnmendes, bbymendes, and 12,141 others

whoanellie i FoUnD tHiS aNd i LoVe iT

tagged shawnmendes

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shawnsbabe oH M Y GO D

shawnmendes are you talking about me or the picture

shawnmendes also you couldn't have posted literally ANY other picture? cute ones from last night? anything else? nothing?


whoanellie @shawnmendes I'm talking about both and um no I couldn't have posted any other picture this is adorable also ones from last night are for me to keep for myself💛

bbymendes i love you guyssss

jilinskyxo cute

shawnmendes @bbymendes and we love you!

jackj NeLLiE tExT mE

jackgilinsky NeLbOwS GrOuP cHaT with me and jj and @mannymontgomery

jacksnellie omfg they're all such a friend group

shawnmendes @jackgilinsky @jackj @mannymontgomery @whoanellie AND MEEE

jackgilinsky and potter

instagram - shawn mendes / jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now