n i n e - d m ' s

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shawnmendes | whoanellie

oh boy shawn this is not fun

deep breaths, nels. you're okay.

mate this is scary as hell. i can feel the plane going up. we're probably so far into the sky right now. if we fell i would be cactus.

nel you're okay. planes are so safe. just keep texting me, it will distract you. also cactus?

cactus = dead

we'll talk about something better. what's your favourite thing about creating music?

my favourite thing? probably being able to let my feelings flow into a song that has nice sound. and making songs that people can really feel with and understand on a deeper level.

that's awesome. how many songs have you written?

a bunch. i've only recorded and posted some of them, but i do hope to like professionally record some of my songs that i haven't shared with anyone. manny has heard most of my songs, but there are a few that i've kept just for me.

you and manny are pretty close?

close as u could get, i'd say. we've been best friends since we were kids. he knows me better than anyone knows me.

it's so great that you have someone in your life like that. I'm glad that you have that.

thanks shawn.

I can't wait to meet you. you seem like such a lovely person.

as do u. i'm excited to meet you as well

also side note i still haven't listened to any of ur music 🤪


I recommend you find some headphones and find me on spotify and put that shit on shuffle girl

ok damn i'm goin

let me know what you think

okay update:

i just listened to never be alone, queen, like to be you, and don't be a fool and i think i love u

"i think i love u" isn't one of my songs🤔

no i think i love u

i'm in love with this music and ur voice

why have i never listened to u

jesus christ

thank you🙃

fuck no i just want to hear what ur voice sounds like in person

don't worry, wait a few hours. you'll hear it. 


johnson and gilinsky think I shouldn't come with them to pick you up at the airport when you land (because of paparazzi and fans) so I'll be at their house waiting to meet you☺️

i can't wait!!

honestly me neither

okay i'm going to take a nap so that i'm not tired later also because sleeping is like time travel

i'll see u soon

have a nice nap

i will because i'll be falling asleep to ur angelic voice

just don't go all fangirl on me when you see me

instagram - shawn mendes / jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now