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jackgilinsky | whoanellie

jack shawn is being super weird has he talked to u at all

no. how is he being weird? also since when are u up this early

i woke up at like 6:30 this morning and shawn wasn't with me so i texted him and it took him like half an hour to respond. and he was texting really weird. like not the way he usually texts. he was out on a walk? at like 6:30?

hm. that is weird. really not like him

i'm worried

i can try to talk to him if u want


got u

thank u g

no problem. let me know what happens

shawnmendes | jackgilinsky

shawn what's up

nels just texted me and she's really worried about u

i have to break up with her


i have to break up with her or i'm out of island records

that's bullshit

ur just going to break up with her?

jack i have to. this is my career


but u love her

i fucking know that jack

i have to do it asap though because otherwise i'm just gonna be weird with her and she's going to be worried

she should be

jack that's not helpful

sorry man i just think this is going to really hurt her.

and u don't think it's gonna hurt me?

i do shawn. but i think it will hurt her more because i'm guessing ur not going to tell her why?


right. so she's going to be more hurt because she's going to think u don't love her anymore or something.

i fucking hate this

if she asks u don't know why i broke up with her ok?

fine. but u know her and u know she's going to try to find a rebound to get her mind off of u. so just don't be surprised if she's with other guys.


are u going to do it when ur in canada?

i kinda feel like i have to because she's already noticing that something is up

damn dude. good luck i guess.

instagram - shawn mendes / jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now