f o r t y - s i x - i n s t a g r a m

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liked by shawnmendes, luca

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liked by shawnmendes, luca.stuart, and 136,293 others

whoanellie babyy (also what happened to being allergic to dogs??)

tagged shawnmendes

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mendesqueen awwww

shawnmendes me or penelope

jacckjilinsky shawn is so cute jesus

jackgilinsky @jacckjilinsky shawn is jesus

whoamendes u know shawn got that corona

xxshawnm wow can i be penelope

whoanellie @shawnmendes always you baby @jackgilinsky u right @xxshawnm honestly relatable

aaliyahmende.s hey shawn remind me how oLd yOu aRe AgAiN???

whomadeumendes aaliyah is our favorite and we all know it

bbymendes @whomadeumendes really tho it's the truth

instagram - shawn mendes / jack gilinskyWhere stories live. Discover now