n i n e t e e n - r e a l i t y

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Sweats? Wear sweats. It's a movie night. Yeah. Sweats.

I had never been so nervous to watch a movie with someone. Would we kiss tonight? Johnson said he liked me, and this would be the perfect opportunity. If it didn't happen tonight, when would it? Would it happen at all? Did Shawn just think I was cute but wasn't attracted to me?

It was four thirty and I still wasn't ready. I had half an hour to figure out what I was going to wear. This wouldn't usually be a problem, ever, (because I didn't care what I looked like) but this was Shawn. Shawn, the guy I swear to god I'm falling in love with.

After another ten minutes of looking through my many pairs of sweats, I picked out a pair of plain black Nike sweatpants. I rolled up the bottoms of them and had on a pair of white socks. I had on a nice black pair of Calvin Klein underwear and a black bra, also Calvin Klein. Just in case, I thought. I found a white tee shirt that had the word "yellow" in green block letters. I thought it was funny, and I was sure it would make Shawn at least chuckle.

After washing my face and putting my hair in a quick bun on top of my head, I put on some Chapstick and made my way downstairs. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out to look at it.

shawn💛 leaving in a minute. see you soon💛

I put it back in my pocket after sending a quick reply and poured myself a glass of water. I made sure I had brushed my teeth as well (didn't want nasty breath).

"I hear you're having a little movie night at Shawn's."

I nearly spit the water out the water I had in my mouth when I heard Johnson.

"He talked to you about it?" I asked eagerly after I had carefully swallowed my water.

"He did," Johnson replied nonchalantly, giving a careless shrug.

"What did he say about it?" I asked.

"Oh, not much," Johnson said, clearly trying not to grin. "Have fun."

"Fuck you, mate," I chuckled. "Actually though. Did he say anything?"

"Guess you'll just have to find out," he said, shrugging again.

Did Shawn say anything about kissing? I wanted to ask Johnson so bad but I didn't want to be too straightforward. Guess you'll just have to find out. 

The doorbell rang about ten minutes later, causing my heart to race as I quickly jumped off the couch to open the door before Johnson or G decided they would try to be funny.

"Is that your date, Nels?" Gilinsky from the couch.

I gave him a mocking glare and then opened the door to a grinning Shawn.

"Hey," I breathed, smiling up at him. He really took my breath away.

"Hey," he smiled back at me. "Ready to go?"

I nodded, shoving my feet into my Adidas slides and followed him out, looking back to give Gilinsky the finger before closing the door.

We got in the car and Shawn took a deep breath. We had been out together and hung out many times since I had gotten to LA, almost a month ago. Those had all been fun, but this felt different. This felt like it was going to be something. And I could tell he felt it too.

"Do you want to go get the food now or later?" Shawn asked as we pulled out of the driveway of the Jacks' place.

"I can call now and we can go pick it up," I replied, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

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