s i x t y - t h r e e - i n s t a g r a m

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liked by mannymontgomery, shawnmendes, and 1,091,236 others

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liked by mannymontgomery, shawnmendes, and 1,091,236 others

whoanellie thank u for all of the support on the new album. (manny cried a lot)

tagged mannymontgomery 

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mannymontnellie we ship

jackgilinsky you should be really proud of yourself. i've told you so many times now but this is such an incredible album.

jalliebaby ^ we ship this too

mannymontgomery wow had to post a picture of me crying😭im so fucking proud of you though. i love you so much❤️❤️❤️

melliemontgomery ^ok but we ship this the most let's be real

shellielove how bout we ship the couple that's actually together

jackj poor manny. but we all feel it we all done cried during most songs in this album

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