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shawnmendes | whoanellie

hey I'm sorry about that enews article. you're going to get a lot of hate for the things they said and what people will assume and I'm really sorry.

don't be sorry. it's not ur fault. i don't care about them, they just need to get out of my business. i'm sorry that my shit is getting u involved.

it's fine, I get this kind of thing a lot.

perks of being a popstar :)

that's not what I mean

i know, i was kidding

I'd like to meet you, regardless of what bullshit enews says. Johnson mentioned you coming to visit him in LA, is that happening?

i think so. i'm thinking manny and i will come out in a few days to look at maybe having a place there. 

you're thinking to move to LA? that's awesome.

yeah. it's not a full plan but i'm pretty sure we will

cool beans. well, let me know if and when you're coming out to LA, so that I can make sure I get to meet you.

by the way, I've heard some of your original songs, and your voice is incredible. I love the feeling and emotion in your songs.

thanks so much💛that means a lot

hey, it's the truth. I'll talk to you soon?


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